1-2Kick right in front, touch left foot to left side
3-4Put left foot behind right leg, unwind half a turn to left
5-6Kick right foot over left and bring it back in place, kick left foot over right and bring it back in place
7-8Right quarter turn with a heel grind
9&10Right coaster step back
11&12Left shuffle forward
13-14Right stomp, left stomp
15Stomp right foot
17-18Going forward skate left, then skate right
19&20Left shuffle forward
21-22Rock forward on a right, half turn right
23Left stomp forward
24Right stomp (your feet should be together)
25&26Left shuffle forward
27&28Right shuffle forward
29&30Left shuffle forward
31Step right with a clap
32Left step with a clap
On wall 4 on counts 12-17, when Britney says "stop", hold on until she start singing again.
3-4Put left foot behind right leg, unwind half a turn to left
5-6Kick right foot over left and bring it back in place, kick left foot over right and bring it back in place
7-8Right quarter turn with a heel grind
9&10Right coaster step back
11&12Left shuffle forward
13-14Right stomp, left stomp
15Stomp right foot
17-18Going forward skate left, then skate right
19&20Left shuffle forward
21-22Rock forward on a right, half turn right
23Left stomp forward
24Right stomp (your feet should be together)
25&26Left shuffle forward
27&28Right shuffle forward
29&30Left shuffle forward
31Step right with a clap
32Left step with a clap
On wall 4 on counts 12-17, when Britney says "stop", hold on until she start singing again.