1-2&3-4Left forward, touch right toe beside left, right back, left forward, touch right toe beside left
5-6Rock right to right (sway hips), return weight onto left
7&8Right behind left, step left to left, right forward
1-2Rock step left forward, return weight onto right turning ½ left
3&4Shuffle forward left, right, left
5-6-7&8Right forward ¼ paddle left, cross shuffle right over left step right, left, right
1-2-3&4Point left toe to left 45, hold (click fingers), left behind right, right to right, left over right
5-6-7&8Point right toe to right 45, hold (click fingers), right behind left, left to left, right forward
1-2Rock step left forward, return weight onto right turning ½ left
3&4Shuffle forward left, right, left
5-6-7&8Full turn (left) stepping right, left shuffle forward right, left, right
5-6Rock right to right (sway hips), return weight onto left
7&8Right behind left, step left to left, right forward
1-2Rock step left forward, return weight onto right turning ½ left
3&4Shuffle forward left, right, left
5-6-7&8Right forward ¼ paddle left, cross shuffle right over left step right, left, right
1-2-3&4Point left toe to left 45, hold (click fingers), left behind right, right to right, left over right
5-6-7&8Point right toe to right 45, hold (click fingers), right behind left, left to left, right forward
1-2Rock step left forward, return weight onto right turning ½ left
3&4Shuffle forward left, right, left
5-6-7&8Full turn (left) stepping right, left shuffle forward right, left, right