1-4Vine to right with a stomp and finger snaps on count 4
5-8Rolling vine to left with stomp and finger snaps on count 8
1&2Right shuffle forward (right, left, right)
3&4Left shuffle forward (left, right, left)
5-8Walk back right, left, right, hold
1-2Rock forward on left, hold
3-4Rock back on right, hold
5-6Rock forward on left, rock back on right
7Rock forward on left
8Brush right forward with a ¼ turn to left
1Swing right foot behind left and bend knees (feet will be in line) and twist shoulders so right shoulder is forward and left is back. Right hand in front and left hand in rear
2Push up on balls of feet and snap fingers with plenty of attitude
3-8Bend knees as in count 1, push up on balls of feet as in count2 and repeat three more time
5-8Rolling vine to left with stomp and finger snaps on count 8
1&2Right shuffle forward (right, left, right)
3&4Left shuffle forward (left, right, left)
5-8Walk back right, left, right, hold
1-2Rock forward on left, hold
3-4Rock back on right, hold
5-6Rock forward on left, rock back on right
7Rock forward on left
8Brush right forward with a ¼ turn to left
1Swing right foot behind left and bend knees (feet will be in line) and twist shoulders so right shoulder is forward and left is back. Right hand in front and left hand in rear
2Push up on balls of feet and snap fingers with plenty of attitude
3-8Bend knees as in count 1, push up on balls of feet as in count2 and repeat three more time