Bridge/Restart 0 / 0
Intro /Coming in: 8 x 8 counts wait / if you want: wait 4 x 8 counts, than come in with samba steps forward (she sings first time AZUL) search your place with doing samba steps (she sings second time AZUL) hold for a moment, go in position and start.
Sektion 1 Toestrut back with hips, step and scuff Face to
1, 2RF toe back, then give weight on RF (Toe – Strut) 12
3LF touch the toe left side little bit forward 12
& 4 &hip to the left upside, hip to the right downside, hip tot the left upside 12
5, 6double hip right downside 12
7, 8LF step forward, scuff with RF next to LF 12
Sektion 2 Sambasteps forward, paddle turn ¾ left Face to
1 & 2RF cross over LF, give weight on LF (still on place), give weight back on RF (on same position but go forward as much as possible) 12
3 & 4Repeat 1 & 2 and do the other side, start with LF cross over RF… 12
5, 6, 7, 8Have weight on LF and do a paddle turn ¾ left so you have 4 steps to paddle. Optional not paddle on place, paddle in a circle and do it with hips, so you have only 2 steps to paddle with the hip roll and change weight from RF to LF and repeat. 3
Sektion 3 side right, Samba, side left, samba, right touch, left touch Face to
1, 2 &RF step right, weight RF, LF behind RF, weight back on RF 3
3, 4 &LF step left, weight on LF, RF behind LF, weight back on LF 3
5, 6RF step right, LF touch next RF 3
7, 8LF step left, RF touch next LF 3
Sektion 4 funky heel steps right Face to
1, 2Bring RF to right side, only with the heel, weight is on RF. Drag the LF close to RF. Both legs are stretched. Do this with a crazy position. Your body is bent over and your bottom is stretched. 3
3 - 8Repeat 1 & 2 and make a circle (will not be round… but crazy is ok) 3
Have so much Fun
Intro /Coming in: 8 x 8 counts wait / if you want: wait 4 x 8 counts, than come in with samba steps forward (she sings first time AZUL) search your place with doing samba steps (she sings second time AZUL) hold for a moment, go in position and start.
Sektion 1 Toestrut back with hips, step and scuff Face to
1, 2RF toe back, then give weight on RF (Toe – Strut) 12
3LF touch the toe left side little bit forward 12
& 4 &hip to the left upside, hip to the right downside, hip tot the left upside 12
5, 6double hip right downside 12
7, 8LF step forward, scuff with RF next to LF 12
Sektion 2 Sambasteps forward, paddle turn ¾ left Face to
1 & 2RF cross over LF, give weight on LF (still on place), give weight back on RF (on same position but go forward as much as possible) 12
3 & 4Repeat 1 & 2 and do the other side, start with LF cross over RF… 12
5, 6, 7, 8Have weight on LF and do a paddle turn ¾ left so you have 4 steps to paddle. Optional not paddle on place, paddle in a circle and do it with hips, so you have only 2 steps to paddle with the hip roll and change weight from RF to LF and repeat. 3
Sektion 3 side right, Samba, side left, samba, right touch, left touch Face to
1, 2 &RF step right, weight RF, LF behind RF, weight back on RF 3
3, 4 &LF step left, weight on LF, RF behind LF, weight back on LF 3
5, 6RF step right, LF touch next RF 3
7, 8LF step left, RF touch next LF 3
Sektion 4 funky heel steps right Face to
1, 2Bring RF to right side, only with the heel, weight is on RF. Drag the LF close to RF. Both legs are stretched. Do this with a crazy position. Your body is bent over and your bottom is stretched. 3
3 - 8Repeat 1 & 2 and make a circle (will not be round… but crazy is ok) 3
Have so much Fun