Intro: 16 counts
Section 1 (counts 1-8) Cross Rock, Side Rock, Sailor 1/4 Turn, Cross Rock, Side Rock, Sailor 1/2 Turn
1&2&Cross rock Right over Left, Recover onto Left, Side rock Right to right, Recover onto Left [12]
3&4Cross step Right behind Left, 1/4 turn right stepping Left to left, Step Right to right [3]
5&6&Cross rock Left over Right, Recover onto Right, Side rock Left to left, Recover onto Right
7&8Cross step Left behind Right, 1/4 turn left stepping Right to right, 1/4 turn left stepping Left to left [9]
Section 2 (counts 9-16) Step 1/2, Shuffle 1/2 Turn, Bump Back Left, Right, Left, Coaster Step, Ball
1-2Step forward on Right, Pivot 1/2 turn left [3]
3&41/4 turn left stepping Right to side, Step Left next to Right, 1/4 turn left stepping Right back [9]
5&6Step back on Left bumping back Left, Bump forward on Right, Bump back on Left **
7&8&Step back on Right, Step Left next to Right, Step forward on Right, Step forward on Left [9]
** wall 5 from 5&6.. step change, and bridge .. see below
Section 3 (counts 17-24) Walk, Walk, Cross & Together, Cross, Side, Behind, 1/4, Step
1-2Walk forward Right, Left
3&4Cross Right over Left, Step Left to left, Step Right next to Left [9]
5-6Cross Left over Right, Step Right to right
7&8Cross Left behind Right, 1/4 turn right stepping Right to right, Step forward on Left [12]
Section 4 (counts 25-32) Step 1/2 Turn, Bump 1/2 Turn, Bump 1/2 Turn, Step 1/2 Turn
1-2Step forward on Right, Pivot 1/2 turn left [6]
3&41/2 turning left, bumping hips right, left, right [12]
4&51/2 turning left, bumping hips left, right, left [6]
7-8Step forward on Right, Pivot 1/2 turn left [12]
Section 5 (counts 33-40) Step Right, Slow Drag Left To Right, Touch, Step Left, Slow Drag Right To Left, Touch
1-2Step forward on Right, Slowly drag Left to Right
3-4Continue dragging Left to Right, Touch Left next to Right [12]
5-6Step forward on Left, Slowly drag Right to Left
7-8Continue dragging Right to Left, Touch Right next to Right [12]
** restart wall 2
Section 6 (counts 41-48) Step 1/2 Turn, Right Shuffle Forward , Mambo Forward, Out Out, Heel Lift
1-2Step forward on Right, Pivot 1/2 turn Left [6]
3&4Step Right forward, Step Left next to Right, Step Right forward
5&6Rock forward on Right, Recover onto Left, Step back on Right
&7&8Step Left back and out, Step Right back and out, Left both heels up and replace [6]
Wall 2, restart after 40 counts
Wall 4, repeat last 16 counts
Wall 5, section 2 counts 5&6 - Step change and bridge
Bump and bump with 1/4 turn left, Coaster step, Ball
5&6Bump back on Left, bump forward on Right, 1/4 turn left bump Left to left
7&8&Step back on Right, Step Left next to Right, Step forward on Right, Step forward on Right
Miss out following sections 3&4 (counts and restart the dance from section 5 (count 33)
Step Drag section
Section 1 (counts 1-8) Cross Rock, Side Rock, Sailor 1/4 Turn, Cross Rock, Side Rock, Sailor 1/2 Turn
1&2&Cross rock Right over Left, Recover onto Left, Side rock Right to right, Recover onto Left [12]
3&4Cross step Right behind Left, 1/4 turn right stepping Left to left, Step Right to right [3]
5&6&Cross rock Left over Right, Recover onto Right, Side rock Left to left, Recover onto Right
7&8Cross step Left behind Right, 1/4 turn left stepping Right to right, 1/4 turn left stepping Left to left [9]
Section 2 (counts 9-16) Step 1/2, Shuffle 1/2 Turn, Bump Back Left, Right, Left, Coaster Step, Ball
1-2Step forward on Right, Pivot 1/2 turn left [3]
3&41/4 turn left stepping Right to side, Step Left next to Right, 1/4 turn left stepping Right back [9]
5&6Step back on Left bumping back Left, Bump forward on Right, Bump back on Left **
7&8&Step back on Right, Step Left next to Right, Step forward on Right, Step forward on Left [9]
** wall 5 from 5&6.. step change, and bridge .. see below
Section 3 (counts 17-24) Walk, Walk, Cross & Together, Cross, Side, Behind, 1/4, Step
1-2Walk forward Right, Left
3&4Cross Right over Left, Step Left to left, Step Right next to Left [9]
5-6Cross Left over Right, Step Right to right
7&8Cross Left behind Right, 1/4 turn right stepping Right to right, Step forward on Left [12]
Section 4 (counts 25-32) Step 1/2 Turn, Bump 1/2 Turn, Bump 1/2 Turn, Step 1/2 Turn
1-2Step forward on Right, Pivot 1/2 turn left [6]
3&41/2 turning left, bumping hips right, left, right [12]
4&51/2 turning left, bumping hips left, right, left [6]
7-8Step forward on Right, Pivot 1/2 turn left [12]
Section 5 (counts 33-40) Step Right, Slow Drag Left To Right, Touch, Step Left, Slow Drag Right To Left, Touch
1-2Step forward on Right, Slowly drag Left to Right
3-4Continue dragging Left to Right, Touch Left next to Right [12]
5-6Step forward on Left, Slowly drag Right to Left
7-8Continue dragging Right to Left, Touch Right next to Right [12]
** restart wall 2
Section 6 (counts 41-48) Step 1/2 Turn, Right Shuffle Forward , Mambo Forward, Out Out, Heel Lift
1-2Step forward on Right, Pivot 1/2 turn Left [6]
3&4Step Right forward, Step Left next to Right, Step Right forward
5&6Rock forward on Right, Recover onto Left, Step back on Right
&7&8Step Left back and out, Step Right back and out, Left both heels up and replace [6]
Wall 2, restart after 40 counts
Wall 4, repeat last 16 counts
Wall 5, section 2 counts 5&6 - Step change and bridge
Bump and bump with 1/4 turn left, Coaster step, Ball
5&6Bump back on Left, bump forward on Right, 1/4 turn left bump Left to left
7&8&Step back on Right, Step Left next to Right, Step forward on Right, Step forward on Right
Miss out following sections 3&4 (counts and restart the dance from section 5 (count 33)
Step Drag section