Begin on lyrics; 2 restarts
Top Taps; Lindy right
1-4tap RT foot forward, recover; Tap LT foot forward, recover
5&6shuffle to right
7-8rock LT foot back, recover
Top Taps; Lindy left
1-4tap LT foot forward, recover; tap RT foot forward, recover
5&6shuffle to left
7-8rock RT foot back, recover
Rock/recover; triple ½ turn right; Rock/recover, triple ¼ turn left
1-2rock RT forward; recover on LT
3&4triple ½ turn right (6;00)
5-6rock LT forward; recover on RT
7&8trip ¼ turn left (3:00)
**restart here facing 12:00, at end of walls 4 and 8
Weave with point
1-4cross RT over LT, weave to left, point LT to side
5-8cross LT over RT, weave to right, point RT to side
**Both restarts are on the 12:00 wall; just eliminate the weaves.
Top Taps; Lindy right
1-4tap RT foot forward, recover; Tap LT foot forward, recover
5&6shuffle to right
7-8rock LT foot back, recover
Top Taps; Lindy left
1-4tap LT foot forward, recover; tap RT foot forward, recover
5&6shuffle to left
7-8rock RT foot back, recover
Rock/recover; triple ½ turn right; Rock/recover, triple ¼ turn left
1-2rock RT forward; recover on LT
3&4triple ½ turn right (6;00)
5-6rock LT forward; recover on RT
7&8trip ¼ turn left (3:00)
**restart here facing 12:00, at end of walls 4 and 8
Weave with point
1-4cross RT over LT, weave to left, point LT to side
5-8cross LT over RT, weave to right, point RT to side
**Both restarts are on the 12:00 wall; just eliminate the weaves.