**2 Restarts - 1 Tag
#16 count intro
Section 1: heel hook shuffle right, heel hook shuffle left
1,2,3, &,4R heel forward, R foot hook in front of L leg, R foot forward, L foot next to R Foot, R foot forward
5,6,7,&,8L heel forward, L foot hook in front of R leg, L foot forward, R foot next to L foot, L foot forward
Section 2: Heel switches, Rock recover shuffle 1/4 turn right
1,2,3,4Right heel forward, R foot next to L foot, L heel forward,L foot next to R foot
5,6,7,&,8rock forward onto R foot, recover on to L foot, turn 1/4 right onto R foot, L foot next to R foot, R foot right
Section 3: weave right point, weave left point
1,2,3,4L foot over R foot, R foot to right, Left foot behind R foot, point R foot out to right
5,6,7,8R foot over L foot, L foot to left, Right foot behind L foot, point L foot out to left
Section 4: jazz box, step back onto Rf, kick Lf forward, recover, touch Rf
1,2,3,4L foot over Right, step back onto R foot, step onto Left foot, touch R foot next to L foot
5,6,7,8step back onto R foot, kick L foot forward, step onto L foot, touch R foot next to Lf
Restart on wall 2 after 8 counts (3:00 wall)
Restart on wall 5 after 24 counts *instead of point (count 24) put LF down next to RF (12:00 wall)
#32 count Tag on wall 8 (9:00 wall) after 24 counts: jazz box 1/4 turn right, step touches
1,2,3,4*L foot over right 1/4 turn right, step onto R foot, step onto L foot, touch R foot next to L foot
5,6,7,8step R foot to right, touch L foot next to R Foot, step L foot to left, touch R foot next to L foot
Notice the first jazz box is left over right but the last 3 are right over left
1,2,3,4jazz box 1/4 *R over L 1/4 turn right, step back onto L, step onto R, step onto L foot
5,6,7,8step touches as above, repeat sequence twice back to 9:00 wall
#16 count intro
Section 1: heel hook shuffle right, heel hook shuffle left
1,2,3, &,4R heel forward, R foot hook in front of L leg, R foot forward, L foot next to R Foot, R foot forward
5,6,7,&,8L heel forward, L foot hook in front of R leg, L foot forward, R foot next to L foot, L foot forward
Section 2: Heel switches, Rock recover shuffle 1/4 turn right
1,2,3,4Right heel forward, R foot next to L foot, L heel forward,L foot next to R foot
5,6,7,&,8rock forward onto R foot, recover on to L foot, turn 1/4 right onto R foot, L foot next to R foot, R foot right
Section 3: weave right point, weave left point
1,2,3,4L foot over R foot, R foot to right, Left foot behind R foot, point R foot out to right
5,6,7,8R foot over L foot, L foot to left, Right foot behind L foot, point L foot out to left
Section 4: jazz box, step back onto Rf, kick Lf forward, recover, touch Rf
1,2,3,4L foot over Right, step back onto R foot, step onto Left foot, touch R foot next to L foot
5,6,7,8step back onto R foot, kick L foot forward, step onto L foot, touch R foot next to Lf
Restart on wall 2 after 8 counts (3:00 wall)
Restart on wall 5 after 24 counts *instead of point (count 24) put LF down next to RF (12:00 wall)
#32 count Tag on wall 8 (9:00 wall) after 24 counts: jazz box 1/4 turn right, step touches
1,2,3,4*L foot over right 1/4 turn right, step onto R foot, step onto L foot, touch R foot next to L foot
5,6,7,8step R foot to right, touch L foot next to R Foot, step L foot to left, touch R foot next to L foot
Notice the first jazz box is left over right but the last 3 are right over left
1,2,3,4jazz box 1/4 *R over L 1/4 turn right, step back onto L, step onto R, step onto L foot
5,6,7,8step touches as above, repeat sequence twice back to 9:00 wall