Beginner / Improver
#16 count intro
Section 1 - Heel, Together, Point, Together, Step, Together, Twist, Twist
1-2Dig Right heel forward, Step back in place
3-4Point Left to left, Step back in place
5-6Step Right forward, Step Left next to Right
7-8Twist both heels to right, Return to centre [12]
Section 2 - Back, Touch, Forward, Touch, 1/4 Turn, Together, Side, Together
1-2Step back on Left, Touch Right next to Left
3-4Step forward on Right, Touch Left next to Right
5-61/4 turn left stepping Left to left, Step Right next to Left
7-8Step Left to left, Touch Right next to Left [9]
Section 3 - Vine Right, Touch, Vine Left, Touch
1-2Step Right to right, Cross step Left behind Right
3-4Step Right to right, Touch Left next to Right
5-6Step Left to left, Cross step Right behind Left
7-8Step Left to left, Touch Right next to Left [9]
*Alternative steps to section 3
Right Figure Of 8
1-2Step Right to right, Cross step Left behind Right
3-41/4 turn right stepping forward on Right, Step forward on Left
5-6Pivot 1/2 turn right taking weight on Right, 1/4 turn right stepping Left to left
7-8Cross step Right behind Left, Step Left to left [9]
Section 4 - Step, Heel, Toe, Heel, Twist, Step, Twist, Twist, Hitch
1-2Step forward on Right, Swivel Left heel towards Right
3-4Swivel Left toe towards Right, Swivel Left heel towards Right
5-6Swivel both heels to left, Swivel both toes to left
7-8Swivel both heels to left, Hitch Right [9]
Restart - Wall 2 after 16 counts facing [6]
To finish the dance you will be facing [3]. Turn 1/4 turn left on the vine left in section 3
This dance was written in memory of Miss Laura Reilly Duff
Music chosen by her Mum Miss Kim Duff
Last Update: 10 Mar 2025
Section 1 - Heel, Together, Point, Together, Step, Together, Twist, Twist
1-2Dig Right heel forward, Step back in place
3-4Point Left to left, Step back in place
5-6Step Right forward, Step Left next to Right
7-8Twist both heels to right, Return to centre [12]
Section 2 - Back, Touch, Forward, Touch, 1/4 Turn, Together, Side, Together
1-2Step back on Left, Touch Right next to Left
3-4Step forward on Right, Touch Left next to Right
5-61/4 turn left stepping Left to left, Step Right next to Left
7-8Step Left to left, Touch Right next to Left [9]
Section 3 - Vine Right, Touch, Vine Left, Touch
1-2Step Right to right, Cross step Left behind Right
3-4Step Right to right, Touch Left next to Right
5-6Step Left to left, Cross step Right behind Left
7-8Step Left to left, Touch Right next to Left [9]
*Alternative steps to section 3
Right Figure Of 8
1-2Step Right to right, Cross step Left behind Right
3-41/4 turn right stepping forward on Right, Step forward on Left
5-6Pivot 1/2 turn right taking weight on Right, 1/4 turn right stepping Left to left
7-8Cross step Right behind Left, Step Left to left [9]
Section 4 - Step, Heel, Toe, Heel, Twist, Step, Twist, Twist, Hitch
1-2Step forward on Right, Swivel Left heel towards Right
3-4Swivel Left toe towards Right, Swivel Left heel towards Right
5-6Swivel both heels to left, Swivel both toes to left
7-8Swivel both heels to left, Hitch Right [9]
Restart - Wall 2 after 16 counts facing [6]
To finish the dance you will be facing [3]. Turn 1/4 turn left on the vine left in section 3
This dance was written in memory of Miss Laura Reilly Duff
Music chosen by her Mum Miss Kim Duff
Last Update: 10 Mar 2025