Thanks to Putrapassarela for sharing catwalk techniques which inspired this dance!
Intro: 16 counts
Total: intro + 4 walls (main dance)
Intro (32 counts)
[1-8] ¼ L, ¼ R return to centre
1-4Step L forward, making a ¼ turn to the left. Drag R towards left. [9:00]
5-8Step R to the right, making a ¼ turn to the right. Drag L towards right. [12:00]
[9-16] L forward, R back return to centre
1-4Step L forward. Drag R towards the left.
5-8Step R back. Drag L towards right.
[17-24] ¼ R, ¼ L return to centre
1-4Step L forward, making a ¼ turn to the right. Drag R towards left. [3:00]
5-8Step R to the left, making a ¼ turn to the left. Drag L towards right. [12:00]
[25-32] L back, R return to centre
1-4Step L back. Drag R towards left.
5-8Step R forward. Drag L towards right.
Main dance
[1-8] Cross lock shuffle to R, L cross point, L back point, L cross point, L step
1-2Cross step L over right. Lock R behind left.
3-4Cross step L over right. Lock R behind left.
5-6Cross point L to right diagonal. [1:30] Back point L to left diagonal. [7:30]
7-8Cross point L to right diagonal. [1:30] Step L beside right. [12:00]
[9-16] Cross lock shuffle to L, R cross point, R back point, R cross point, R step
1-2Cross step R over left. Lock L behind right.
3-4Cross step R over left. Lock L behind right.
5-6Cross point R to left diagonal. [10:30] Back point R to right diagonal. [4:30]
7-8Cross point R to left diagonal. [10:30] Step R beside left. [12:00]
[17-24] Walk LR, pivot ¼ R, swivel ¾ L, walk LR
1-2Walk forward L. Walk forward R.
3-4Step L forward and pivot ¼ turn to the right. (Weight on L) [3:00]
5-6Lift both heels and swivel ¾ turn to the left. (Weight on R) [6:00]
7-8Walk forward L. Walk forward R.
[25-32] Cross unwind ¾ R, walk RL, R spiral full turn, walk LR
1-2Cross L over right. Unwind ¾ turn to the right. (Weight on L) [3:00]
3-4Walk forward R. Walk forward L.
5-6Step R forward, making a spiral full turn to the left. (Weight on R)
7-8Walk forward L. Walk forward R.
[33-40] Cross L, point R, pivot ¼ L, swivel ¾ R, walk RL
1-2Cross step L over right. Point R to the right.
3-4Step R forward and pivot ¼ turn to the left. (Weight on R) [12:00]
5-6Lift both heels and swivel ¾ turn to the right. (Weight on L) [9:00]
7-8Walk forward R. Walk forward L.
[41-48] Cross R, point L, walk LR, L spiral full turn, walk R, point L.
1-2Cross step R over left. Point L to the left.
3-4Walk forward L. Walk forward R.
5-6Step L forward, making a spiral full turn to the right. (Weight on L) [9:00]
7-8Walk R forward. Point L to the left.
Ending (wall 4)
Dance until counts 38-40. [12:00]
Check out videos by catwalk coaches like Putrapassarela for styling and techniques.
Please feel free to dance, video, share.
Intro: 16 counts
Total: intro + 4 walls (main dance)
Intro (32 counts)
[1-8] ¼ L, ¼ R return to centre
1-4Step L forward, making a ¼ turn to the left. Drag R towards left. [9:00]
5-8Step R to the right, making a ¼ turn to the right. Drag L towards right. [12:00]
[9-16] L forward, R back return to centre
1-4Step L forward. Drag R towards the left.
5-8Step R back. Drag L towards right.
[17-24] ¼ R, ¼ L return to centre
1-4Step L forward, making a ¼ turn to the right. Drag R towards left. [3:00]
5-8Step R to the left, making a ¼ turn to the left. Drag L towards right. [12:00]
[25-32] L back, R return to centre
1-4Step L back. Drag R towards left.
5-8Step R forward. Drag L towards right.
Main dance
[1-8] Cross lock shuffle to R, L cross point, L back point, L cross point, L step
1-2Cross step L over right. Lock R behind left.
3-4Cross step L over right. Lock R behind left.
5-6Cross point L to right diagonal. [1:30] Back point L to left diagonal. [7:30]
7-8Cross point L to right diagonal. [1:30] Step L beside right. [12:00]
[9-16] Cross lock shuffle to L, R cross point, R back point, R cross point, R step
1-2Cross step R over left. Lock L behind right.
3-4Cross step R over left. Lock L behind right.
5-6Cross point R to left diagonal. [10:30] Back point R to right diagonal. [4:30]
7-8Cross point R to left diagonal. [10:30] Step R beside left. [12:00]
[17-24] Walk LR, pivot ¼ R, swivel ¾ L, walk LR
1-2Walk forward L. Walk forward R.
3-4Step L forward and pivot ¼ turn to the right. (Weight on L) [3:00]
5-6Lift both heels and swivel ¾ turn to the left. (Weight on R) [6:00]
7-8Walk forward L. Walk forward R.
[25-32] Cross unwind ¾ R, walk RL, R spiral full turn, walk LR
1-2Cross L over right. Unwind ¾ turn to the right. (Weight on L) [3:00]
3-4Walk forward R. Walk forward L.
5-6Step R forward, making a spiral full turn to the left. (Weight on R)
7-8Walk forward L. Walk forward R.
[33-40] Cross L, point R, pivot ¼ L, swivel ¾ R, walk RL
1-2Cross step L over right. Point R to the right.
3-4Step R forward and pivot ¼ turn to the left. (Weight on R) [12:00]
5-6Lift both heels and swivel ¾ turn to the right. (Weight on L) [9:00]
7-8Walk forward R. Walk forward L.
[41-48] Cross R, point L, walk LR, L spiral full turn, walk R, point L.
1-2Cross step R over left. Point L to the left.
3-4Walk forward L. Walk forward R.
5-6Step L forward, making a spiral full turn to the right. (Weight on L) [9:00]
7-8Walk R forward. Point L to the left.
Ending (wall 4)
Dance until counts 38-40. [12:00]
Check out videos by catwalk coaches like Putrapassarela for styling and techniques.
Please feel free to dance, video, share.