High Beginner
[1-8] Rock Recover Behind Side Cross X2
1,2Rock out to the right side on right foot, recover weight back on to left foot.
3&4Move right foot behind left foot, move left foot to the left side, cross right foot over left.
5,6Rock out to the left side on left foot, recover weight back on to the right foot.
7&8Move left out behind right foot, move right foot to the right side, cross left foot over right
[9-16] 1/2 Pivot Turn, Shuffle X2
1,2Step Right foot forward, Pivot 1/2 turn over your left shoulder, keeping weight on your left foot.
3&4.Step right foot forward, bring left foot up behind right heal, step right foot forward.
5,6.Step left foot forward, Pivot 1/2 turn over your right shoulder, keeping weight on your right Foot.
7&8Step your left foot forward, bring right foot up behind left heal, step left foot forward.
[17-24] Jazz Box, Lindy
1,2,3,4Cross right foot over left foot, step left foot back, place right foot to the right side, Step left foot next to right foot.
5&6Step left foot to the left, bring right foot to left, step left foot to the left,
7,8Rock right foot back with weight, rock back forward onto left foot.
(Tag Then Restart here on wall 5)
[25-32]. 3/4 Revers rolling vine, Scuff, Rock recover, Coaster Step
1,2,3,4Step right foot to the right side, step left foot behind right making a 1/4 turn over left Shoulder, pivot 1/4 turn over left shoulder pivoting on left foot. Step on right foot, scuff Left foot.
5,6Rock forward on left foot, recover weight back to right foot.
7&8.Step left foot back, Step right foot back, step left foot forward.
Tag on wall 5 after 24 counts, Sway hips right, left, right, left, Then restart.
1,2Rock out to the right side on right foot, recover weight back on to left foot.
3&4Move right foot behind left foot, move left foot to the left side, cross right foot over left.
5,6Rock out to the left side on left foot, recover weight back on to the right foot.
7&8Move left out behind right foot, move right foot to the right side, cross left foot over right
[9-16] 1/2 Pivot Turn, Shuffle X2
1,2Step Right foot forward, Pivot 1/2 turn over your left shoulder, keeping weight on your left foot.
3&4.Step right foot forward, bring left foot up behind right heal, step right foot forward.
5,6.Step left foot forward, Pivot 1/2 turn over your right shoulder, keeping weight on your right Foot.
7&8Step your left foot forward, bring right foot up behind left heal, step left foot forward.
[17-24] Jazz Box, Lindy
1,2,3,4Cross right foot over left foot, step left foot back, place right foot to the right side, Step left foot next to right foot.
5&6Step left foot to the left, bring right foot to left, step left foot to the left,
7,8Rock right foot back with weight, rock back forward onto left foot.
(Tag Then Restart here on wall 5)
[25-32]. 3/4 Revers rolling vine, Scuff, Rock recover, Coaster Step
1,2,3,4Step right foot to the right side, step left foot behind right making a 1/4 turn over left Shoulder, pivot 1/4 turn over left shoulder pivoting on left foot. Step on right foot, scuff Left foot.
5,6Rock forward on left foot, recover weight back to right foot.
7&8.Step left foot back, Step right foot back, step left foot forward.
Tag on wall 5 after 24 counts, Sway hips right, left, right, left, Then restart.