Indian Position facing OLOD, mans hands on top of Lady's Shoulders
Steps are the same for Man and Lady
Vine Left 1/2 turn
1 - 4Facing OLOD, Step Left to side, Right behind Left, Left to side doing half turn Left, scuff Right, Let go of left hands, lift Right hands, lady goes under arms ending up behind the man facing ILOD
Vine Right 1/4 turn
1 - 4Step Right to side, Left behind Right, step Right side doing 1/4 turn Right facing LOD, scuff Left, Lifting Right arms lady goes under to end up facing LOD
Diagonal Left/Right
1 - 8Step forward Left diagonal to Left, step Right next to Left, Step forward Left diagonal to Left, scuff Right, Step forward Right diagonal to Right, step Left next to Right, Step forward Right diagonal to Right, touch Left next to Right
Modified Rumba
1 - 8Step Left to side, bring Right next to Left, step Left forward and hold, Step Right to side, bring Left next to Right, step Right forward andhold
Vine x 2, 1/4 turn Right
1 - 8Step Left to side, Step Right behind Left, step Left to side, touch Right next to Left, Step Right to the side, step left behind Right, step Right to the side doing a 1/4 turn to the Right facing OLOD, scuff left
Start again and enjoy
Steps are the same for Man and Lady
Vine Left 1/2 turn
1 - 4Facing OLOD, Step Left to side, Right behind Left, Left to side doing half turn Left, scuff Right, Let go of left hands, lift Right hands, lady goes under arms ending up behind the man facing ILOD
Vine Right 1/4 turn
1 - 4Step Right to side, Left behind Right, step Right side doing 1/4 turn Right facing LOD, scuff Left, Lifting Right arms lady goes under to end up facing LOD
Diagonal Left/Right
1 - 8Step forward Left diagonal to Left, step Right next to Left, Step forward Left diagonal to Left, scuff Right, Step forward Right diagonal to Right, step Left next to Right, Step forward Right diagonal to Right, touch Left next to Right
Modified Rumba
1 - 8Step Left to side, bring Right next to Left, step Left forward and hold, Step Right to side, bring Left next to Right, step Right forward andhold
Vine x 2, 1/4 turn Right
1 - 8Step Left to side, Step Right behind Left, step Left to side, touch Right next to Left, Step Right to the side, step left behind Right, step Right to the side doing a 1/4 turn to the Right facing OLOD, scuff left
Start again and enjoy