CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Still Holding On (CBA25)

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High Intermediate - NC
Niels Poulsen (DK) - February 2025
ALL MY LOVE - Coldplay
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Intro: 8 counts from beginning of track. App. 7 secs. into track. Start with weight on L foot

*1 restart: On 3rd wall, after 24 counts, facing 12:00
*1 tag: After wall 5, facing 12:00. Tag description at bottom of step sheet

[1 – 9] R basic nc, side L ½ R sweep, side cross, R side rock, weave sweep, behind side fwd
1 – 2&Step R a big step to R side (1), close L behind R (2), cross R over L (&) 12:00
3 – 4&Step L to L side but turning ½ R sweeping R fwd (3), step R to R side (4), cross L over R (&)
… Count 3 styling: lift R leg slightly off the floor to accent the note in the music 6:00
5&Rock R to R side (5), recover on L (&) 6:00
6&7Cross R over L (6), step L to L side (&), cross R behind L sweeping L to L side (7) 6:00
8&1Cross L behind R (8), step R to R side (&), step L fwd (1) 6:00

[10 – 17] Step ¼ cross, reverse rolling vine into L basic nc, point R to R side, run around ½ R
2&3Step R fwd (1), turn ¼ L onto L (&), cross R over L (3) 3:00
4&Turn ¼ R stepping back on L (4), turn ½ R stepping fwd on R (&) …
* Ending of dance comes after this step. See Ending at bottom of step sheet 12:00
5 – 6&Turn ¼ R stepping L a big step to L side (5), close R behind L (6), cross L over R (&) 3:00
7Point R to R side prepping body slightly L (7)
8&1Turn ¼ R stepping down on R (8), turn 1/8 R stepping L fwd (&), turn 1/8 R stepping R fwd and sweeping L fwd at the same time (1) 9:00

[18 – 24] Cross side, L back rock side, R back rock, recover sweep, R mambo ¼ R, cross
2&Cross L over R (2), step R to R side (&) 9:00
3 – 4&Rock back on L (3), recover on R (4), step L to L side (&) 9:00
5 – 6Rock back on R (5), recover on L sweeping R fwd (6) 9:00
7&8&Rock R fwd (7), recover back on L (&), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (8), cross L over R (&)
… * Restart here on wall 3, facing 12:00 12:00

[25 – 32] Side R with ¾ L, run fwd LRL with R hitch, run back RLR, L back rock, step ¼ cross
1Step R to R side turning ¾ L on R sweeping L foot around (1) 3:00
2&3Step L fwd (2), step R fwd (&), rock L fwd hitching R knee (3) 3:00
4&5Recover back on R (4), step back on L (&), step back on R (5) 3:00
6&Rock back on L (6), recover fwd onto R (&) 3:00
7 – 8&Step L fwd (7), turn ¼ R onto R (8), cross L over R (&) … Styling for count 7: go up on L toes 6:00

Start again
Tag: After wall 5 there’s an 8 count tag, facing 12:00. Counts 1-4 have a rolling 8 timing after which counts 5-8 go back into a 4/4-timing. Note that the first 4 counts are very fast! Tip: stay on the balls of your feet and be careful not taking too much weight back in your back rocks 12:00
[1 – 8] Side back rock R&L, R rock & cross, ¼ R X 2, cross, sway RL, ¼ R, step ¼ cross
1&aStep R to R side (1), quickly rock back on L (&), recover on R (a) 12:00
2&aStep L to L side (2), quickly rock back on R (&), recover on L (a) 12:00
3&aRock R to R side (3), recover on L (&), cross R over L (a) 12:00
4&aTurn ¼ R stepping back on L (4), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (&), cross L over R (a) 6:00
5 - 6 - 7Step R to R side swaying body R (5), sway body L (6), turn ¼ R stepping onto R (7) 9:00
&8&Step L fwd (&), turn ¼ R stepping onto R (8), cross L over R (&) 12:00

Happens on wall 8: Do the first 11 counts of the dance. When doing the reverse rolling vine don’t do the last ¼ R. Stay facing 12:00 stepping L fwd and bring both hands fwd making a love sign with your hands to match the lyrics ‘LOVE’ 12:00

23 MAR '25 50

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