Intro: 16 counts
Section 1: Prissy Walks R & L, step lock step, side, touch diag., side, touch diag.
1,2Step RF Fwd (slightly crossed), Step LF Fwd (slightly crossed)
3&4Step RF forward, Lock LF behind RF, Step RF forward
5,6LF to the L Side, Point RF diagonally forward to the R + Snap both hands at shoulder height
7,8RF to the R Side, Toe LF diagonally forward to the L + Snap both hands at shoulder height
Section 2: Back L & R, shuffle back, back rock, kick ball step
1,2Step LF back, Step RF back
3&4Step LF back, step RF nex to LF, step LF back
5,6Step RF back, recover onto LF
7&8Kick RF, LF next to RF, Step RF forward*
* Restart here, wall 3 (after 16 counts)
Section 3: Toe-heel-heel & Toe back & Heel fwd & Toe-heel-heel & Toe back & Heel fwd &
1&2&Touch R Toe next to LF, Touch R Heel next to RF, Touch R Heel Forward, RF next to LF
3&4&Touch L Toe back, LF next to RF, Touch R Heel Forward, RF next to LF
5&6&Touch L Toe next to RF, Touch L Heel next to LF, Touch L Heel Forward, LF next to RF
7&8&Touch R Toe back, RF next to LF, Touch L Heel Forward, LF next to RF
Section 4: Step, 1/4 turn L with Hip Roll, step 1/4 turn L with Hip Roll, Jazz box 1/4 turn R
1-2Step RF forward, 1/4 Turn L with Hip Roll
3-4Step RF forward, 1/4 Turn L with Hip Roll
5-6-7-8Cross RF over LF, Step RF back, 1/4 turn R and RF to the R side, LF next to RF + Clap
Last Update: 20 Feb 2025
Section 1: Prissy Walks R & L, step lock step, side, touch diag., side, touch diag.
1,2Step RF Fwd (slightly crossed), Step LF Fwd (slightly crossed)
3&4Step RF forward, Lock LF behind RF, Step RF forward
5,6LF to the L Side, Point RF diagonally forward to the R + Snap both hands at shoulder height
7,8RF to the R Side, Toe LF diagonally forward to the L + Snap both hands at shoulder height
Section 2: Back L & R, shuffle back, back rock, kick ball step
1,2Step LF back, Step RF back
3&4Step LF back, step RF nex to LF, step LF back
5,6Step RF back, recover onto LF
7&8Kick RF, LF next to RF, Step RF forward*
* Restart here, wall 3 (after 16 counts)
Section 3: Toe-heel-heel & Toe back & Heel fwd & Toe-heel-heel & Toe back & Heel fwd &
1&2&Touch R Toe next to LF, Touch R Heel next to RF, Touch R Heel Forward, RF next to LF
3&4&Touch L Toe back, LF next to RF, Touch R Heel Forward, RF next to LF
5&6&Touch L Toe next to RF, Touch L Heel next to LF, Touch L Heel Forward, LF next to RF
7&8&Touch R Toe back, RF next to LF, Touch L Heel Forward, LF next to RF
Section 4: Step, 1/4 turn L with Hip Roll, step 1/4 turn L with Hip Roll, Jazz box 1/4 turn R
1-2Step RF forward, 1/4 Turn L with Hip Roll
3-4Step RF forward, 1/4 Turn L with Hip Roll
5-6-7-8Cross RF over LF, Step RF back, 1/4 turn R and RF to the R side, LF next to RF + Clap
Last Update: 20 Feb 2025