Beginner / Intermediate
Intro: 8 Counts (starting the dance with the vocals)
2 x Cross Samba (easier Option below), Jazz Box ending cross
1&2RF Cross, LF side to L, recover onto RF
3&4LF cross, RF side to R, recover onto LF
5678RF cross, LF back, RF side to R (¼ Turn to R), LF Cross (03.00)
Side-together, shuffle fw, Rock fw, shuffle turning (½ turn to L)
12RF side to R, LF together with weight
3&4Shuffle fw, RF, LF RF
56LF Step fw, recover onto RF
7&8LF side to L(1/4 Turn to L), RF together, LF fw (1/4 Turn to L) (09.00)
Step Kick , Coaster Step (easier option below), 2 Step Turns (2 x ½ Turn to L) (easier option below)
12RF fw, LF Kick fw
3&4LF back, RF beside LF with weight, LF fw
56^ RF fw, (½ Turn to L) LF fw
78RF fw, (1/2 Turn to L), LF Fw
Restart on wall 6 after 24 counts (after 3. Section) facing 06.00
2 x Cross-side- Back Samba (easier Option below)
12RF cross, LF side to L
3&4RF behind LF, LF to l, Recover onto RF
56LF cross, RF side to R,
7&8LF behind RF, RF side to R, recover onto LF
End of the dance is on wall 10 after 16 counts facing 06.00!
Dance an extra (1/2 to L) to end facing 12.00
You can make the dance easier with all or only some of the options below.
Test it and change the steps, if it´s better for you or your students.
Options Section 1: 2 X Cross- Point (12 34)
Options Section 3. Step- L Kick fw – LF back- Touch RF beside LF or a little bit back
Rocking chair: RF fw, recover into LF, RF bw, recover onto LF (5678)
Options Section 4: 2 X cross-side-behind-point to side
Be sure to have enough pactice within slower music before dancing this tempo.
Enjoy, smile and have fun!
Contact: service@tanzschule-kostorz.de
Last Update: 23 Feb 2025
2 x Cross Samba (easier Option below), Jazz Box ending cross
1&2RF Cross, LF side to L, recover onto RF
3&4LF cross, RF side to R, recover onto LF
5678RF cross, LF back, RF side to R (¼ Turn to R), LF Cross (03.00)
Side-together, shuffle fw, Rock fw, shuffle turning (½ turn to L)
12RF side to R, LF together with weight
3&4Shuffle fw, RF, LF RF
56LF Step fw, recover onto RF
7&8LF side to L(1/4 Turn to L), RF together, LF fw (1/4 Turn to L) (09.00)
Step Kick , Coaster Step (easier option below), 2 Step Turns (2 x ½ Turn to L) (easier option below)
12RF fw, LF Kick fw
3&4LF back, RF beside LF with weight, LF fw
56^ RF fw, (½ Turn to L) LF fw
78RF fw, (1/2 Turn to L), LF Fw
Restart on wall 6 after 24 counts (after 3. Section) facing 06.00
2 x Cross-side- Back Samba (easier Option below)
12RF cross, LF side to L
3&4RF behind LF, LF to l, Recover onto RF
56LF cross, RF side to R,
7&8LF behind RF, RF side to R, recover onto LF
End of the dance is on wall 10 after 16 counts facing 06.00!
Dance an extra (1/2 to L) to end facing 12.00
You can make the dance easier with all or only some of the options below.
Test it and change the steps, if it´s better for you or your students.
Options Section 1: 2 X Cross- Point (12 34)
Options Section 3. Step- L Kick fw – LF back- Touch RF beside LF or a little bit back
Rocking chair: RF fw, recover into LF, RF bw, recover onto LF (5678)
Options Section 4: 2 X cross-side-behind-point to side
Be sure to have enough pactice within slower music before dancing this tempo.
Enjoy, smile and have fun!
Contact: service@tanzschule-kostorz.de
Last Update: 23 Feb 2025