S1: R heel, home, L heel, home, R toe, home, L toe, home
1-2Touch right heel forward, return & switch
3-4Touch left heel forward, return & switch
5-6Touch right toe to the right side, return & switch
7-8Touch left toe to the left side, return & switch
S2: R shuffle forward, L shuffle forward, 3/4 Vine, ½ turn
1&2Shuffle (triple step) forward: right, left, right (1&2)
3&4Shuffle (triple step) forward: left, right, left (3&4) (weight is on the left)
5-6Step side right with right foot, cross behind with the left foot
7-8Step right, ½ turn finishing on L
S3: R stomp, L stomp
1-2Stomp R, Stomp L
No tags, No restarts.
Email: Stephen_cowherd@yahoo.com
1-2Touch right heel forward, return & switch
3-4Touch left heel forward, return & switch
5-6Touch right toe to the right side, return & switch
7-8Touch left toe to the left side, return & switch
S2: R shuffle forward, L shuffle forward, 3/4 Vine, ½ turn
1&2Shuffle (triple step) forward: right, left, right (1&2)
3&4Shuffle (triple step) forward: left, right, left (3&4) (weight is on the left)
5-6Step side right with right foot, cross behind with the left foot
7-8Step right, ½ turn finishing on L
S3: R stomp, L stomp
1-2Stomp R, Stomp L
No tags, No restarts.
Email: Stephen_cowherd@yahoo.com