Intro: 16 counts (approx. 10 seconds) – starts on vocals
**2 Restarts, 1 Tag
S.1: Side Together, Shuffle Fwd, Rock Fwd/Recover, Back Lock Step
1,2,Step Right to R side, close Left beside R,
3&4Step Right forward, close Left beside Right, step Right forward
5,6Rock Left forward, recover onto Right
7&8Step Left back, lock Right across Left, Step back on Left
S.2: Rock Back/Recover, Shuffle ½ turn L, Rock Back/Recover, Shuffle ½ turn R
1,2,3&4Rock back Right, recover to Left, turning ½ Left, Shuffle back RLR
5,6,7&8Rock back Left, recover to Right turning ½ Right, Shuffle back LRL
S.3: Rock Back/Recover, Cross Rock/Recover, Heel Grind ¼ R, ¼ R Triple
1,2,Rock back on R, recover onto Left,
3,4Cross Right over Left, recover to Left **RESTARTS Walls 4 and 8
5,6With weight on R heel, grind heel ¼ Right (5) step Left beside Right (6) (3:00)
7&8Turning ¼ Right triple step: Right, Left, Right (6:00)
S.4: Cross Point, Cross Point, Jazz Box/touch
1,2Step Left forward and slightly across Right, touch/point Right to R side
3,4Step Right forward and slightly across Left, touch/point Left to L side
5,6,Cross Left over Right, step back on Right,
7,8Step Left Beside Right, touch Right beside Left (6:00) ***TAG Wall 10
** RESTARTS WALLS 4 and 8 after Count 20 (Wall 4 you will be facing 6:00, Wall 8 you will be facing 12:00)
*** TAG END OF WALL 10: 4 count tag facing 12:00 –
Tag: Rocking Chair
1,2,3,4Rock forward Right, recover onto Left, Rock back Right, recover onto Left
Ending Step Change: Dance finishes facing 12:00 after Count 20 – replace the Heel Grind ¼ turn with a Right Step/Stomp to R side (don’t turn).
Contact: Email helenwyndow@gmail.com
**2 Restarts, 1 Tag
S.1: Side Together, Shuffle Fwd, Rock Fwd/Recover, Back Lock Step
1,2,Step Right to R side, close Left beside R,
3&4Step Right forward, close Left beside Right, step Right forward
5,6Rock Left forward, recover onto Right
7&8Step Left back, lock Right across Left, Step back on Left
S.2: Rock Back/Recover, Shuffle ½ turn L, Rock Back/Recover, Shuffle ½ turn R
1,2,3&4Rock back Right, recover to Left, turning ½ Left, Shuffle back RLR
5,6,7&8Rock back Left, recover to Right turning ½ Right, Shuffle back LRL
S.3: Rock Back/Recover, Cross Rock/Recover, Heel Grind ¼ R, ¼ R Triple
1,2,Rock back on R, recover onto Left,
3,4Cross Right over Left, recover to Left **RESTARTS Walls 4 and 8
5,6With weight on R heel, grind heel ¼ Right (5) step Left beside Right (6) (3:00)
7&8Turning ¼ Right triple step: Right, Left, Right (6:00)
S.4: Cross Point, Cross Point, Jazz Box/touch
1,2Step Left forward and slightly across Right, touch/point Right to R side
3,4Step Right forward and slightly across Left, touch/point Left to L side
5,6,Cross Left over Right, step back on Right,
7,8Step Left Beside Right, touch Right beside Left (6:00) ***TAG Wall 10
** RESTARTS WALLS 4 and 8 after Count 20 (Wall 4 you will be facing 6:00, Wall 8 you will be facing 12:00)
*** TAG END OF WALL 10: 4 count tag facing 12:00 –
Tag: Rocking Chair
1,2,3,4Rock forward Right, recover onto Left, Rock back Right, recover onto Left
Ending Step Change: Dance finishes facing 12:00 after Count 20 – replace the Heel Grind ¼ turn with a Right Step/Stomp to R side (don’t turn).
Contact: Email helenwyndow@gmail.com