Beginner - waltz
#24c Intro. Start LF.
[S:1] Side, rock behind, recover, full Walk around R-L-R, (12:00).
1,2,3,Step L to L side, rock R behind L, step L in place,
4,5,6,Make a full turn over R shoulder as a basic waltz-1/2 turn with RF- ¼ turn with LF- ¼ turn with RF, (12::00).
[S:2] Side, rock behind, recover, ¼ turn R and basic waltz forward, basic waltz forward, (3:00).
1,2,3,Step L to L side, rock R behind L, step L in place,
4,5,6,Make a ¼ turn R and step forward on R, Step L next to R, step R next to L, (3:00).
[S:3] Basic waltz forward, back, lock, back.
1,2,3,Step forward on L, step R next to L, step L next to R,
4,5,6.Step back on R, lock L in front of R, step back on R.
[S:4] Back, lock, back, ¼ turn R and sway-R-L-R (6:00).
1,2,3,Step Back on L, lock R in front of L, step back on L,
4,5,6.Make a ¼ turn R and rock R to R side, rock L to L side, rock R to R side (6:00).
[S:5] Side, behind, hold, side, cross, hold.
1,2,3,Step L to L side, step R behind L, hold,
4,5,6,Step L to L side, step R across L, hold.
[S:1] Side, rock behind, recover, full Walk around R-L-R, (12:00).
1,2,3,Step L to L side, rock R behind L, step L in place,
4,5,6,Make a full turn over R shoulder as a basic waltz-1/2 turn with RF- ¼ turn with LF- ¼ turn with RF, (12::00).
[S:2] Side, rock behind, recover, ¼ turn R and basic waltz forward, basic waltz forward, (3:00).
1,2,3,Step L to L side, rock R behind L, step L in place,
4,5,6,Make a ¼ turn R and step forward on R, Step L next to R, step R next to L, (3:00).
[S:3] Basic waltz forward, back, lock, back.
1,2,3,Step forward on L, step R next to L, step L next to R,
4,5,6.Step back on R, lock L in front of R, step back on R.
[S:4] Back, lock, back, ¼ turn R and sway-R-L-R (6:00).
1,2,3,Step Back on L, lock R in front of L, step back on L,
4,5,6.Make a ¼ turn R and rock R to R side, rock L to L side, rock R to R side (6:00).
[S:5] Side, behind, hold, side, cross, hold.
1,2,3,Step L to L side, step R behind L, hold,
4,5,6,Step L to L side, step R across L, hold.