Intro: 32 counts.
[1 - 8] Side, Together, Shuffle Forward, Side with Hip Sways, Chasse Left.
1-2Step R to right side, together L next to R
3&4Step R forward, close L behind R, step R forward
5-6Step L to left side swaying hip left, transfer weight R swaying hip right
7&8Step L to left side, step R together L, step L to left side
[9-16] ¼ Jazz Box, Rock Forward, Recover/Hook, Shuffle Forward.
1-2Cross R over L, turn ¼ right stepping L Back
3-4Step R to right side, step L forward
5-6Rock R forward, recover weight L with hook R across L shin
7&8Step R forward, close L behind R, step R forward
[17-24] Step, Point, Step, Point, Rock Forward, Recover, ¼ Chasse Left.
1-2Step L forward, point R toe to right side
3-4Step R forward, point L toe to left side
5-6Rock L forward, recover weight onto R
7&8Turn ¼ left stepping L to left side, step R together L, step L to left side
[25-32] Weave ¼, Rocking Chair.
1-2Cross R over L, Step L to left side
3-4Step R behind L, turn ¼ left stepping L forward
5-6Rock R forward, recover weight onto L
7-8Rock R back, recover weight onto L
Option: counts 5-8 as a step R forward, step pivot ½ L X2
Repeat, Have Fun!
Finish: Ending Wall 11 is your last wall (starts at 6:00).
At the end of the last wall.
1Apart point: Turn ¼ left shifting weight to L with R toe pointed right side (12:00)
Contact: cdrive@countrydance.jp
[1 - 8] Side, Together, Shuffle Forward, Side with Hip Sways, Chasse Left.
1-2Step R to right side, together L next to R
3&4Step R forward, close L behind R, step R forward
5-6Step L to left side swaying hip left, transfer weight R swaying hip right
7&8Step L to left side, step R together L, step L to left side
[9-16] ¼ Jazz Box, Rock Forward, Recover/Hook, Shuffle Forward.
1-2Cross R over L, turn ¼ right stepping L Back
3-4Step R to right side, step L forward
5-6Rock R forward, recover weight L with hook R across L shin
7&8Step R forward, close L behind R, step R forward
[17-24] Step, Point, Step, Point, Rock Forward, Recover, ¼ Chasse Left.
1-2Step L forward, point R toe to right side
3-4Step R forward, point L toe to left side
5-6Rock L forward, recover weight onto R
7&8Turn ¼ left stepping L to left side, step R together L, step L to left side
[25-32] Weave ¼, Rocking Chair.
1-2Cross R over L, Step L to left side
3-4Step R behind L, turn ¼ left stepping L forward
5-6Rock R forward, recover weight onto L
7-8Rock R back, recover weight onto L
Option: counts 5-8 as a step R forward, step pivot ½ L X2
Repeat, Have Fun!
Finish: Ending Wall 11 is your last wall (starts at 6:00).
At the end of the last wall.
1Apart point: Turn ¼ left shifting weight to L with R toe pointed right side (12:00)
Contact: cdrive@countrydance.jp