Point, point, hook, side ( R,L)
1 – 4point right fwd, point right to right side, hook right behind left leg, right to right side
5 – 8point left fwd, point left to left side, hook left behind right leg, left to left side
Option: if balance is problem for the hook, just touch the foot beside
Step turn ¼ left, heel bounces (x2)
1 – 4step right fwd, turn ¼ left, 2 heel bounces (9 o'cl)
5 – 8repeat 1 – 4 ( 6 o'cl)
Walk, walk, walk, turn ½ with hitch, back, back, back, hitch
1 – 3walk right, left, right
4turn ½ right with left hitch ( 12 0'cl)
5 – 8walk back left, right, left, hitch right
Vine right with touch, vine left with ¼ turn left, scuff
1 – 4step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side, touch left beside right
5 – 8step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side turning ¼ left, scuff right ( 9 o'cl )
Option: instead of the vines do Monterey ½ right, Monterey ¼ right and you will end up at 9 o'cl
1 – 4point right fwd, point right to right side, hook right behind left leg, right to right side
5 – 8point left fwd, point left to left side, hook left behind right leg, left to left side
Option: if balance is problem for the hook, just touch the foot beside
Step turn ¼ left, heel bounces (x2)
1 – 4step right fwd, turn ¼ left, 2 heel bounces (9 o'cl)
5 – 8repeat 1 – 4 ( 6 o'cl)
Walk, walk, walk, turn ½ with hitch, back, back, back, hitch
1 – 3walk right, left, right
4turn ½ right with left hitch ( 12 0'cl)
5 – 8walk back left, right, left, hitch right
Vine right with touch, vine left with ¼ turn left, scuff
1 – 4step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side, touch left beside right
5 – 8step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side turning ¼ left, scuff right ( 9 o'cl )
Option: instead of the vines do Monterey ½ right, Monterey ¼ right and you will end up at 9 o'cl