Improver / Intermediate
Intro: 8 counts (3 sec.) – Start after the very short counting of Dasha ( 1 2 123.)
or much easier after the first 32 / 64 Counts
2 x RF Point-Touch, 4 Steps Weave side to right
1234Point RF to R,touch RF next to LF
5678RF side to R, LF cross behind, RF side to R, LF cross RF in Front
RF Rumba Box back, LF Rumba Box fw
123(4) RF side to R, LF Step beside RF, RF back, (Hold)
567(8) LF side to L, RF Step beside LF, LF fw,( Hold)
RF Lockstep fw , 2 X Step touch fw and bw
123(4) RF fw, LF crosses behind RF, RF fw , (hold)
5678LF step fw, RF touch beside
2 x Heel switch, Grapevine side to L with touch
1234LF Step (1/4 Turn to L), RF Heel, RF Step ,LF Foot heel
5678LF side to L, RF behind LF LF side to L, RF touch next to LF (09.00)
Repeat the dance!
The dance ends after Wall 15, wenn starting after the first 8 Counts.
Turn ¼ turn to left with the last Beat in the music to end facing 12.00
Section: 2: You can dance a Flat Scuff on Count 8 or hold
Section: 3: You can dance a flat Scuff on Count 4 or hold
Be sure to have enough dance-practice with slower music before dancing to this music.
Enjoy and have fun!
Contact: service@tanzschule-kostorz.de
Last Update: 8 Mar 2025
or much easier after the first 32 / 64 Counts
2 x RF Point-Touch, 4 Steps Weave side to right
1234Point RF to R,touch RF next to LF
5678RF side to R, LF cross behind, RF side to R, LF cross RF in Front
RF Rumba Box back, LF Rumba Box fw
123(4) RF side to R, LF Step beside RF, RF back, (Hold)
567(8) LF side to L, RF Step beside LF, LF fw,( Hold)
RF Lockstep fw , 2 X Step touch fw and bw
123(4) RF fw, LF crosses behind RF, RF fw , (hold)
5678LF step fw, RF touch beside
2 x Heel switch, Grapevine side to L with touch
1234LF Step (1/4 Turn to L), RF Heel, RF Step ,LF Foot heel
5678LF side to L, RF behind LF LF side to L, RF touch next to LF (09.00)
Repeat the dance!
The dance ends after Wall 15, wenn starting after the first 8 Counts.
Turn ¼ turn to left with the last Beat in the music to end facing 12.00
Section: 2: You can dance a Flat Scuff on Count 8 or hold
Section: 3: You can dance a flat Scuff on Count 4 or hold
Be sure to have enough dance-practice with slower music before dancing to this music.
Enjoy and have fun!
Contact: service@tanzschule-kostorz.de
Last Update: 8 Mar 2025