#4 count intro
Section one: walk, walk, lunge and flick, walk back, high knee coaster step
1,2,3,&,4Walk LF forward, walk RF forward, lunge LF forward and flick RF up behind, step back onto RF, LF next to RF
5,6,7,&,8step back onto RF, step back onto LF, lift R knee up high, stepback onto RF, LF next to RF
Section 2: side step right, clap, double clap, flick, diagonal shuffle left, diagonal shuffle right
1,2,3,&,4,&step RF to right, LF next to right, clap once with arms pointing to the floor to the left slightly twisting your upper body to the left, clap hands with arms bent towards right above shoulder twisting upper body slightly to the right, clap, flick LF up behind right leg twisting slightly to the left
5,&,6,7,&,8step LF forward diagonally left, bring RF next to LF, step LF forward, step RF diagonally forward to right, bring LF next to RF, step RF forward
Section 3: rock recover, shuffle half turn to left, v step with hands on the front of your thighs knees slightly bent
1,2,3,&,4rock LF over RF, recover onto RF, as you turn 1/4 to left step LF left, RF next to LF, step LF left turning 1/4 left
5,6,7,8RF forward diagonally right, LF forward diagonally left, RF to centre, LF next to RF
Section 4: roc recover, shuffle half to right, stomp, heel bounce left, stomp, heel bounce right with your hands on the front of your thighs knees slightly bent
1,2,3,&,4rock RF over LF, recover onto LF, as you turn 1/4 to right step RF right, LF next to RF, step RF right turning 1/4 right
5,&,6,7,&,8stomp LF forward diagonally, lift left heel, lower L heel, stomp RF diagonally to right, lift right heel, lower right heel
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Last Update - 25 Jan. 2025 - R1
Section one: walk, walk, lunge and flick, walk back, high knee coaster step
1,2,3,&,4Walk LF forward, walk RF forward, lunge LF forward and flick RF up behind, step back onto RF, LF next to RF
5,6,7,&,8step back onto RF, step back onto LF, lift R knee up high, stepback onto RF, LF next to RF
Section 2: side step right, clap, double clap, flick, diagonal shuffle left, diagonal shuffle right
1,2,3,&,4,&step RF to right, LF next to right, clap once with arms pointing to the floor to the left slightly twisting your upper body to the left, clap hands with arms bent towards right above shoulder twisting upper body slightly to the right, clap, flick LF up behind right leg twisting slightly to the left
5,&,6,7,&,8step LF forward diagonally left, bring RF next to LF, step LF forward, step RF diagonally forward to right, bring LF next to RF, step RF forward
Section 3: rock recover, shuffle half turn to left, v step with hands on the front of your thighs knees slightly bent
1,2,3,&,4rock LF over RF, recover onto RF, as you turn 1/4 to left step LF left, RF next to LF, step LF left turning 1/4 left
5,6,7,8RF forward diagonally right, LF forward diagonally left, RF to centre, LF next to RF
Section 4: roc recover, shuffle half to right, stomp, heel bounce left, stomp, heel bounce right with your hands on the front of your thighs knees slightly bent
1,2,3,&,4rock RF over LF, recover onto LF, as you turn 1/4 to right step RF right, LF next to RF, step RF right turning 1/4 right
5,&,6,7,&,8stomp LF forward diagonally, lift left heel, lower L heel, stomp RF diagonally to right, lift right heel, lower right heel
No restarts
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Last Update - 25 Jan. 2025 - R1