S1 Jump, Forward, Kick x2, Walk, Walk, Kick x2
1, 2Jump Forward with both feet, Right foot forward
3, 4Kick Left foot forward twice
5, 6Walk forward on Left, Walk forward on Right
7, 8Kick Left foot forward twice
S2 Jump Back, Back, Kick x2, Back, Back, Kick x2
1, 2Jump back with both feet, Right foot back
3, 4Kick Left foot forward twice
5, 6Walk Back on Left, Walk back on Right
7, 8Kick Left foot forward twice
S3 Side Rock, Cross Shuffle, Side Rock with 1/4 Turn, Shuffle
1, 2Rock Left to Left side, Recover onto Right
3 & 4Cross Shuffle Left over Right
5, 6Rock Right to Right side with 1/4 turn Left, Recover onto Left
7 & 8Right foot forward, Lock Left foot behind Right, Right foot forward
S4 Rocking Chair, Full Turn, Walk, Walk
1, 2Rock forward on Left, Recover onto Right
3, 4Rock Back on Left, Recover onto Right
5, 6Left foot forward with 1/2 turn Left, Right foot forward with 1/2 turn Left
7, 8Walk forward on Left, Walk forward on Right
* Restart - Wall 7 after 16 Counts
1, 2Jump Forward with both feet, Right foot forward
3, 4Kick Left foot forward twice
5, 6Walk forward on Left, Walk forward on Right
7, 8Kick Left foot forward twice
S2 Jump Back, Back, Kick x2, Back, Back, Kick x2
1, 2Jump back with both feet, Right foot back
3, 4Kick Left foot forward twice
5, 6Walk Back on Left, Walk back on Right
7, 8Kick Left foot forward twice
S3 Side Rock, Cross Shuffle, Side Rock with 1/4 Turn, Shuffle
1, 2Rock Left to Left side, Recover onto Right
3 & 4Cross Shuffle Left over Right
5, 6Rock Right to Right side with 1/4 turn Left, Recover onto Left
7 & 8Right foot forward, Lock Left foot behind Right, Right foot forward
S4 Rocking Chair, Full Turn, Walk, Walk
1, 2Rock forward on Left, Recover onto Right
3, 4Rock Back on Left, Recover onto Right
5, 6Left foot forward with 1/2 turn Left, Right foot forward with 1/2 turn Left
7, 8Walk forward on Left, Walk forward on Right
* Restart - Wall 7 after 16 Counts