8 count intro
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First-8 Walk R,L 1/2 turn over L shoulder, coaster step. walk R, L , 1/4 turn to the R, R rock recover back
1walk R , L
3 & 41/2 turning coaster step over L shoulder R,L,R to face 3 o’clock wall
5-6walk forward on L and R
7&8Turn to face 9 o’clock by stepping on your L. Rock recover bk on your R
Second-8 R,L,R Heel forward , step R, L heel forward, R toe back, L toe Forward, R toe back.
1-3R,L,R Heel forward
4-step R in place
5-L heel forward
6-R toe back
7-L heel forward
8-R toe back
Section 3 Rock recover R forward, Turn 1/2 turn over R shoulder to face 3 o’clock doing a triple step R,L,R. Rock recover L coaster step back L,R, L
1-2Rock recover R forward
3&41/2 turn over R shoulder doing triple step R,L,R to face 9 o’clock wall.
5-6Rock recover L forward
7&8coaster step L,R,L going back
Section 4 Lindy R , rock back L, recover R, step L side together. R toe out in.
1&2Lindy R
3-4L rock back recover
5-6step L side together with R
7-8touch R out, in
Last Update: 24 Jan 2025
No tags, no restarts
First-8 Walk R,L 1/2 turn over L shoulder, coaster step. walk R, L , 1/4 turn to the R, R rock recover back
1walk R , L
3 & 41/2 turning coaster step over L shoulder R,L,R to face 3 o’clock wall
5-6walk forward on L and R
7&8Turn to face 9 o’clock by stepping on your L. Rock recover bk on your R
Second-8 R,L,R Heel forward , step R, L heel forward, R toe back, L toe Forward, R toe back.
1-3R,L,R Heel forward
4-step R in place
5-L heel forward
6-R toe back
7-L heel forward
8-R toe back
Section 3 Rock recover R forward, Turn 1/2 turn over R shoulder to face 3 o’clock doing a triple step R,L,R. Rock recover L coaster step back L,R, L
1-2Rock recover R forward
3&41/2 turn over R shoulder doing triple step R,L,R to face 9 o’clock wall.
5-6Rock recover L forward
7&8coaster step L,R,L going back
Section 4 Lindy R , rock back L, recover R, step L side together. R toe out in.
1&2Lindy R
3-4L rock back recover
5-6step L side together with R
7-8touch R out, in
Last Update: 24 Jan 2025