CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Advanced
Brett Ruwe (USA) - January 2025
I 2 I - Tevin Campbell & Rosie Gaines
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Sequence- A A(24 counts) Tag 1 B A(16 counts) Restart A A B A A(16 counts) Restart A A Tag 2 B B A A
Introduction: 64 counts, starting on "Got"

Section A (32 counts)
[1-8] Step, Behind & Heel & Touch, Walk Back x2 Step out out, heel twist
1,2&Step RF to R side, step LF behind R, step RF to R side
3&4.Touch L heel to L diagonal, step LF in place, touch RF next to L
5,6.Step RF back, step LF back
&7&8.Step RF back out R, step LF back out L, heel twist RF in and out.

[1-8] Side Rock Recover, Back side cross, 1/4 step turn, 1/2 step turn, coaster step
1-2.Rock RF to the R side, Recover on LF
3&4.Step RF behind LF, Step LF out to the L side, Cross RF over LF
5-6.Step LF 1/4 turn facing 9 o’clock weight on LF, Step RF in front of LF 1/2 turn facing 3 o’clock weight on RF,
7&8.Step LF back, close RF next to L, step LF forward

[1-8] K Step with claps
1-4.R Slide up diagonal R, slide up L up meeting together double clap, L slide back home,R slides back home single clap
5-8.R Slide down diagonal R, Slide L down meeting together double clap, R slide back home, L slides back home single clap

[1-8] Wizard step, Shuffle, Jazz box turn cross
1,2&.Step forward R at an angle, Step/Slide L foot behind the right, Step R forward.
3&4.Step LF forward, close Rf to LF, step LF forward
5-6.Step the right foot across the left. Step back on the right foot.
7-8.Turning a quarter turn to the right, step forward on the right foot. Cross LF over RF
On wall number 11, (2:46) you will hear the word “STOP”. After the first 4 counts, Jump back on both feet for 5, and hold for 6,7,8. Add some styling if you want to! But then continue the dance on 1.

Tag 1 (4 counts)
[1-4] Rock recover, 1/4 turn step
1,2.Rock RF forward, recover on LF
3,4.1/4 turn over R shoulder step RF to side, close LF to RF

Section B (32 counts)
[1-8] Wobble knees/Arm Movements, Push Hop, Side kick (x2), Coaster step
&1&2.Starting with outward knees, Wobble knees out on &, and in on 1. Repeat for 2.
Bend R arm up at elbow to head on &, in a hammer motion bring down for 1, bring back up for &. Repeat for 2. Simultaneously with knees.
&3. &Raise both hands slightly with palms open facing floor
3Push palms down towards floor while hopping up as if you are pushing off an imaginary ledge.
&4.Hop in place.
5,6.Kick LF to your L side 2 separate times.
7&8.Step LF back, close RF next to L, step LF forward

[1-8] Full turn, R Power Hitch, Slide right, 1/4 Slide L
1,2Turning ½ Left, step RF forwards for 1, turn ½ left stepping LF forwards for 2
3,4.Step RF forward dragging left foot behind closing next to RF. In place, Hitch R knee while bringing elbows back to side.
5&6.While R knee is still in air, step RF to the R side, slide LF in closing to RF.
7&8.1/4 turn over L shoulder stepping to the L side, slide RF in closing next to LF

[1-8]. Charleston, Cross point, Cross scuff hitch
1-4.Step R forward, kick L forward, step L back, touch R back
5-6.Cross RF in front of LF, Point LF out to left side
7-8.Cross LF in front of RF, scuff RF on R side

[1-8]. Stomp Rf/Arm movements, 1/4 Paddle turn
1-4.Stomp RF while crossing L arm across your chest for 1. Take L arm and swing it to your Left side for 2,3,4. (Optional to head bang at the same time)
5-8.Paddle turn with right leg to make a 1/4 turn to left. (Paddle turn – step right toe out to right, bring knee up as you make an 1/16 of a turn to left, repeat 3 more times) (will end up facing back wall in regards to start position). You can add shoulder shrugs/shakes on the paddle turns for styling.

TAG 2 (4 counts)
[1-4] Side step/Hand movements
1,2,3,4.Simultaneously step RF to side while fanning R hand down at 6 o’clock.
Raise hand to 12 o’clock for 2,3,4

Restarts will happen at 1:23 and 2:29
Any questions or needing help, always refer to the video or you can email me at

Last Update: 22 Jan 2025

1 評論

DJ DVious January 13, 2025
Lets goooooo

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