CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Celebrate What We Had

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Phrased Low Advanced
Cinnamon Dull (USA) - December 2024
Start with Lyrics - 16 count intro
A – 48 counts B – 32 Counts Tag - 40 Counts
Sequence: A1 B A2 B Tag B16, B16, Ending

This dance is dedicated to my friend and fellow dancer Janet Wood from College Station, Texas, who passed away this past year. It is also dedicated to all of our Texas line dancers who have passed away this year. It has been a difficult year for our Texas line dance community. However, as many have said in regard to these past fellow dancers: We can dance in peace knowing they are dancing in Heaven. As we dance here, we can only imagine them still dancing along with us, but in a better place with perfect music.

Part A
[1-8] Right Sailor, Left Sailor ¼ turn L, R Jazz box
1&2Cross right behind left (1), Step left to left side (&), Step right to right side (2)
3&4¼ turn left crossing left behind right, (3) step right to right side (&), Step left to left side(4)
5-8Right crossover (5), left step back (6), right step side next to left (7), left step forward (8) Now Facing 9:00

[9-16] Chasse R, Chasse L as you hinge turn ¼ L, Collect, Walk R, L, R (As the song says “No brakes” on the collect, “All gas” as you walk)
1&2Step RF to R (1), Step LF next to RF (&), Step RF to R (2)
3&4Hinge turn ¼ L while stepping LF to L side (3), Step RF next to LF (&), Step LF to L (4)
5,6stepping RF back (5), Collect LF beside RF (6) – facing 6:00 (Song says “No Brakes”)
7,8,1Walk forward right (6), left (7), right (8), brush left (1) (Songs says “All Gas”)
A2 Step Change: for 5-8 for the 2nd repetition of A starts facing 6:00:
5-8Walk around full turn over left shoulder – RLR (5,6,7) brush Left (8) ending facing 12:00 (Songs says “Dancing around my Grave”)

[17-24] L Jazz ¼ L turn with brush, R Jazz in place with a brush
2-5Turning ¼ left: Left cross over right (2) right step back (3), left step side (4), right brush (5)
6-8Right cross over left (6), left step back (7), right step side (8) (NO BRUSH here in A1)
1-4Turning ¼ left: Left cross over right (1) right step back (2), left step side (3), right brush (4)
5-8Right cross over left (5), left step back (6), right step side (7), left brush (8)

[25-32] Cross side Sailor ⅛ turn L, Cross side Sailor ¼ turn R to 6:00
1-2Cross left over right (1), step right to side (2)
3&4Cross left behind right (3), step right to side (&) step left slightly angled forward L (⅛ turn L ) (4)
5-6Cross right over left (5), step left to side (6)
7&8Cross right behind left (7) rock left to side (&) ¼ turn R step right forward (8)

[33-40] L Forward Rock, TRIPLE Left full turn LRL, R Forward Rock Coaster Step – End Angled 1/8 turn R
1-2Rock forward on L (1), recover on R (2)
3&4½ L stepping forward on L (3), step R next to L (&), ½ L stepping fwd. on L (4) (Optional triple step : Left Coaster step)
5-6Rock forward on right (5), recover on left (6)
7&8Step back on right (7), Step left next right (&), Step forward on right (8) = Angle 1/8 turn right to 7:30

[41-48] Hinge Turn R step L to Left side, Step back R, L Coaster Step, V-Step
1-2Step left to the side turning ¼ right (1), Step back on right turning ¼ right (2)
3&4Step back on left (3), Step right next left (&), Step forward on left (4)
5-8Step R forward to R diagonal (5), Step L forward to L diagonal (6), Step back on R (7), Step L beside R (8)

Part B
[1-8] Walk RLR and Jump (Song says “on the floor”), Quick Walk RL (song says two step), Mambo Fwd R
1-3Walk right (1), left (2), right (3)
&4(&) Jump (4)
5-6Walk right (5) left (6) – Quick Quick Rhythm
7&8Rock forward on right (7), recover on left (&), step back on right (8)

[9-16] Walk Back LR, Mambo Back L, Jump up and Clap your Hands (As the song says Jump up and clap your hands)
1-2Walk back left (1), right (2)
3&4Rock back on left (3), recover on right (&), step forward on left (4)
5-6Jump up (The song says jump up) Quick Quick Rhythm
7&8Clap (7), clap (&), clap (8) (The songs says clap your hands)

[17-24] Jazz Box ¼ R Cross, Step touch, Step touch
1-4Turning ¼ turn right: Right crossover (1), left step back (2), right step side (3), cross left over right (4)
5-6Step right (5), touch left slightly behind right (6)
7-8Step left (7), touch right slightly behind left (8)

[25-32] Jazz Box ¼ R, Step touch, Step Point
1-4Turning ¼ turn right: Right crossover (1), left step back (2), right step side (3), cross left over right (4)
5-6Step right (5), touch left slightly behind right (6)
7-8Step left (7), point right to right side (8) (the point preps for the R Sailor step to begin part A)

Tag: [1-8] Sway RLR, Behind side cross, Sway RL, Side Rock ¼ L
1 – 3Sway right (1), sway left (2), sway right (3)
4&aCross L behind R (4), step R to R side (&), cross L over R (a)
5-6Sway right (5), sway left (6)
7-8¼ rock recover left – rock to the side (7), turn ¼ left (8) ending with your weight on the left foot

[9-16] Turn ¼ L, Sway RLRL, Side behind side, Sway LR, Walk L
1 – 4As you turn ¼ left to face 6:00 - Sway right (1), sway left (2), sway right (3) sway left (take weight on left) (4)
5&aStep right behind left (5) Step left to left side (&) cross R over L (a)
6-7Sway Left (6), sway right (7)
8Step forward on left (8)

[17-24] Step Lock R, Step Lock L, ½ Pivot L, Rock fwd on R (first part of a rocking chair)
1&a2Step right forward (1) Lock left behind right (&) Step right forward (a) brush (2)
3&a4Step left forward (3) Lock right behind left (&) Step left forward (a) brush (4)
5-6Step right (5) Pivot ½ over left shoulder (6) (this is very slow so it will feel like a rock on right, turn ½ recover on L facing 12:00)
7-8Rock right forward (7) Recover on left (8) Facing 12:00

[25-32] Rock back on R (last part of a rocking chair), Prissy walks RL, Sway RLRL
1-2Rock right back (1) Recover on left (2)
3-4Prissy walk right (3) Prissy walk left (4)
5-8Sway right (5) Sway left (6) Sway right (7) Sway left keeping right foot pointed to side (8)

[33-40] Sailor R, Sailor L, R Jazz Box
1&2Step right behind left (1) step left to side (&) Step right to right side (2)
3&4Step left behind right (3) Step right to side (&) Step left to left side (4)
5-8Step right across left (5) Step left back (6) Step right side next to left (7), step left forward (8)

Ending: B last 16 with Step Change x2, B last 8 without turn with Step Change, No Brakes All Gas – A1 Sec 2 Counts &5-8
Step change for Ending: Do the last 16 counts of B except instead of a point, just do a touch.
At 12:00 Do one more jazz box without the turn, with a step touch right then step touch left. Ends with “No Brakes All Gas” – Do counts 5, 6, 7, 8, 1 of counts [9-16] of the first repetition of A (A1) – Collect (5,6), Walk R (7), L(8), R(1).

Last Update - 22 Dec. 2024 - R1

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txsmacky December 13, 2024
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