CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Only Me in Sight

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Debbie Mabbs (UK) & Lorraine Monahan (UK) - November 2024
Intro: 32 counts (approx. 15s) – Start on vocals (1 tag – end of Wall 4)

S1 [1-8] Knee Roll R, Knee Roll L, Chasse R, Knee Roll L, Knee Roll R, Chasse L Clock
1,2On the spot roll R knee, Roll L knee
3&4Step R to R side, Step L next to R (&), Step R to R side
5,6On the spot roll L knee, Roll R knee
7&8Step L to L side, Step R next to L (&), Step L to L side 12:00

S2 [9-16] Step Fwd R, Heel Bounces ½ Turn L, R Kick & Touch, Dip Down, Stand Up
1,2,3,4Step forward on R, Make ½ turn L bouncing heels 3 times (transferring weight on to L during the 3rd bounce) 6:00
5&6Kick R forward, Step R next to L (&), Touch L slightly in front of R
7,8Dip down bending both knees, Straighten up transferring weight forward on to L

S3 [17-24] Shuffle ½ Turn R x2, R Jazz Box With Cross
1&2Make ¼ turn L stepping R to R side, Step L next to R (&), Make ¼ turn L stepping back on R 12:00
3&4Make ¼ turn L stepping L to L side, Step R next to L (&), Make ¼ turn L stepping forward on L 6:00
5,6,7,8Cross step R over L, Step back on L, Step R to R side, Cross step L over R

S4 [25-32] Rolling Grapevine R With Claps, Step L ¼ L, Step R ½ L, Shuffle ½ L
1,2Make ¼ turn R stepping forward on R, Make ½ turn R stepping back on L
3&4Make ¼ turn R stepping R to R side, Clap hands twice (&4)
5,6Make ¼ turn L stepping forward on L, Make ½ turn L stepping back on R 9:00
7&8Make ¼ turn L stepping L to L side, Step R next to L (&), Make ¼ turn L stepping forward on L 3:00

S5 [33-40] Step Fwd R, Pivot ½ L, Step Fwd R, Pivot ½ L, R Jazz Box ¼ R
1,2Step forward on R, Make ½ turn L (weight forward on L) 9:00
3,4Step forward on R, Make ½ turn L (weight forward on L) 3:00
5,6Cross step R over L, Step back on L making ¼ turn R 6:00
7,8Step R to R side, Step forward on L

S6 [41-48] R Dorothy, L Dorothy, Modified Charleston ¼ L
1,2&Step R to R diagonal, Lock L behind R, Step R to R diagonal (&)
3,4&Step L to L diagonal, Lock R behind L, Step L to L diagonal (&)
5,6Touch R forward, Make 1/8 turn L stepping back on R
7&8Make 1/8 turn L rocking back on L, Recover weight on R (&), Step forward on L 3:00

S7 [49-56] Kick R, Step Back R, Touch L, Step Fwd L, R Lock Step Fwd, L Lock Step Fwd Clock
1,2,3,4Kick R forward, Step back on R, Touch L toe back, Step forward on L
5&6Step forward on R, Lock L behind R (&), Step forward on R
7&8Step forward on L, Lock R behind L (&), Step forward on L 3:00

S8 [57-64] Step Fwd R, Pivot ½ L, Step Fwd R, Pivot ¼ L, R Jazz Box Cross
1,2Step forward on R, Make ½ turn L (weight forward on L) 9:00
3,4Step forward on R, Make ¼ turn L (weight on L) 6:00
5,6,7,8Cross step R over L, Step back on L, Step R to R side, Cross step L over R

Start Over

TAG: Please add the following 32-count tag at the end of WALL 4 facing 12:00:
S1 [1-8] Rolling Grapevine R With Claps, Rolling Grapevine L With Claps
1,2Make ¼ turn R stepping forward on R, Make ½ turn R stepping back on L
3&4Make ¼ turn R stepping R to R side, Clap hands twice (&4)
5,6Make ¼ turn L stepping forward on L, Make ½ turn L stepping back on R
7&8Make ¼ turn L stepping L to L side, Clap hands twice (&8)

S2 [9-16] Monterey ½ Turn R x2
1,2Point R to R side, Make ½ turn R stepping R next to L 6:00
3,4Point L to L side, Step L next to R
5,6Point R to R side, Make ½ turn R stepping R next to L 12:00
7,8Point L to L side, Step L next to R

S3 [17-24] Heel Switches With Hook x2
1&Touch R heel forward, Step R next to L (&)
2&Touch L heel forward , Step L next to R (&)
3&4&Touch R heel forward, Hook R in front of L shin (&), Touch R heel forward, Step R next to L (&)
5&Touch L heel forward, Step L next to R (&)
6&Touch R heel forward, Step R next to L (&)
7&8Touch L heel forward, Hook L in front of R shin (&), Step L next to R

S4 [25-32] Jazz Jump Fwd R/L, Clap, Jazz Jump Back R/L, Clap, Hip Bumps
&1,2Small jump forward on R (&), Step L out to L side (shoulder-width apart), Clap
&3,4Small jump back on R (&), Step L out to L side (shoulder-width apart), Clap
5,6,7,8Bump hips R twice, Bump hips L twice
Start Over

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