Side Rock, Recover, Behind, Side, Cross 2x
1-2Rock R side, recover L
3&4Step R behind, step L side, cross R over
5-6Rock L side, recover R
7&8Step L behind, step R side, cross L over
Walk, Walk, Shuffle, Rock, Recover, Shuffle
1-2Walk forward RL
3&4Step R forward, slide L to R, step R forward
5-6Rock L forward, recover R
7&8Step L back, slide R to L, step L back
Kick-Ball-Change 2x, Open Jazz Box
1&2Kick R, step R on ball, step L back
3&4Kick R, step R on ball, step L back
5-8Step R in front of L, recover L, step R side, cross R over
Lindy, ¼ Turn, ¼ Turn, Cross Shuffle
1&2Step R side, step L together, step R side
3-4Step L behind, recover R
5-6¼ turn right, step L, ¼ turn right, step R
7&8Cross L over, step R side, cross L over
You can change this to a 1 Wall dance, should you prefer,
by changing the final four counts to a 2nd Lindy.
1-2Rock R side, recover L
3&4Step R behind, step L side, cross R over
5-6Rock L side, recover R
7&8Step L behind, step R side, cross L over
Walk, Walk, Shuffle, Rock, Recover, Shuffle
1-2Walk forward RL
3&4Step R forward, slide L to R, step R forward
5-6Rock L forward, recover R
7&8Step L back, slide R to L, step L back
Kick-Ball-Change 2x, Open Jazz Box
1&2Kick R, step R on ball, step L back
3&4Kick R, step R on ball, step L back
5-8Step R in front of L, recover L, step R side, cross R over
Lindy, ¼ Turn, ¼ Turn, Cross Shuffle
1&2Step R side, step L together, step R side
3-4Step L behind, recover R
5-6¼ turn right, step L, ¼ turn right, step R
7&8Cross L over, step R side, cross L over
You can change this to a 1 Wall dance, should you prefer,
by changing the final four counts to a 2nd Lindy.