CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Easy Improver
Urban Danielsson (SWE) - November 2024
Pickleback - Jill Johnson
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Intro: 16 counts, restart on wall 5

Section 1: Rock-recover, cross shuffle, ¼ back, side, cross shuffle
1 – 2Rock right to right side, recover weight onto left
3&4Step right across in front of left, step left to left side, step right across in front of left
5 – 6¼ turn right step back on left, step right to right side (3:00)
7&8Step left across in front of right, step right to right side, step left across in front of right

Section 2: Point, together x 2, heel dig x 2, rock-recover, together, rock-recover
1&2&Point right toes to right side, step right next to left, point left toes to left side, step left next to right
3&4&Touch right heel forward, step right next to left, touch left heel forward, step left next to right
5 – 6&Rock right foot forward, recover weight on left, step right next to left
7 – 8Rock left foot forward, recover weight onto right
Restart: On wall 5 - add &-count by stepping left next to right and then Restart the dance from the beginning.

Section 3: Shuffle back, ¼ turn step side, touch, ¼ turn step forward, sweep, cross, back, side
1&2Step left foot back, step right next to left, step left foot back
3 – 4 1/ 4 turn right step right to right side, touch left toes next to right (6:00)
5 – 6¼ turn left step left forward, sweep right foot from back to front (3:00)
7 – 8&Step right foot across in front of left, step left foot back, step right foot to right side

Section 4: Cross, side, weave, side rock-recover, back rock-recover
1 – 2Step left across in front of right, step right to right side
3&4Step left behind of right, step right to right side, step left across in front of right
5 – 6Rock right to right side, recover weight onto left
7 – 8Rock back on right foot, recover weight onto left

Ending: On wall 11 dance the first 6 counts, then replace 7&8 with: ¼ turn right shuffle forward.


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