CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Love Pop Muzik

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High Beginner
Irene Deng (TW) - November 2024
M - Pop Muzik (Songwriters: Robin Edmond Scott )
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Intro : 32 count , Dance start on vocals .
Restarts : -
Wall 2 begins at 9:00, dance up to count 24, restart facing 3 o’clock
Wall 4 begins at 12:00, dance up to count 8, restart facing 12:00

Sec 1 : Point Hitch Cross (R-L), Rock fwd, Recover ,Back , Coaster
1&2, 3&4Point Rf toe to R side, Hitching Rf knee up, Cross Rf over Lf , Point Lf Toe to L side , Hitching Lf knee up, Cross Lf over Rf
5&6 7&8Rock Rf fwd, Recover on Lf, Step back on Rf, Step Back on Lf , Step Rf next to Lf, Step Lf fwd
Notes : Restart here wall 4

Sec 2 : Heel Switches, Scuff, 1/4 L Side, Sailor ( L-R )
1&2& 3 4Dig Rf heel fwd, Step Rf next to Lf, Dig Lf heel fwd, Step Lf next to Rf, Scuff Rf fwd and knee up, Making 1/4 turn L Step Rf to R side
5&6 7&8Step Lf behind Rf, Recover onto Rf, Step Lf to L side, Step Rf behind Lf, Recover onto Lf, Step Rf to R side

Sec 3 : 1/4 L Coaster, fwd shuffle, Kick ball point, Sway Hips
1&2 3&4Making 1/4 turn L step Lf back, Step Rf next to Lf, Step Lf fwd, Step Rf fwd, Step Lf next to Rf, Step Rf fwd
5&6 7&8Kick Lf fwd, Step Lf ball next to Rf , Point Rf toe to R side, Step Rf to R side swaying hips at the same time
Notes : Restart here wall 2 (change pace 7&8 : Rock Rf side, Recover Lf, Touch Rf beside Lf)

Sec 4 : Sailor, Weave, Rock side, 1/4 R, Fwd ,Rock side, Recover , Touch
1&2 3&4Step Lf behind Rf, Recover onto Rf, Step Lf to L side, Step Rf behind Lf, Step Lf to L Side, Cross Rf over Lf
5&6 7&8Rock Lf to L side, Making 1/4 turn R Step Rf fwd, Step Lf fwd, Rock Rf to R side, Recover onto Lf, Touch Rf beside Lf

Sec 5 : Toe strut Step fwd (Rf- Lf ), Pivot, 1/2 L, Fwd Shuffle
1&2 3&4Rf Toe strut step fwd , Diagonal hip bumps R ,Step Rf place, Lf Toe strut step fwd , Diagonal hip bumps L, Step Lf place
5 6 7&8Pivot Rf fwd making 1/2 turn L, Step Lf fwd, Step Rf fwd, Step Lf next to Rf, Step Rf fwd

Sec 6 : Toe strut Step fwd (Lf- Rf ), Pivot, 1/2 L, Fwd Shuffle
1&2 3&4Lf toe strut step fwd , Diagonal hip bumps L , Step Lf place, Rf toe strut step fwd, Diagonal hip bumps R, Step Rf place
5 6 7&8Pivot Lf fwd making 1/2 turn R, Step Rf fwd, Step Lf fwd, Step Rf next to Lf, Step Lf fwd

Happy dancing & enjoy !!!


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