CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Arranmore Shuffle

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Alex Evans (UK) - November 2024
Earthquake - Ronnie Milsap
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#32 Count intro

Step Forward, Step Back, Left Grapevine
1 - 4Step left foot forward, touch right instep behind left heel. Step right foot backwards, touch left toe next to right instep.
5 - 8Step left foot to left side, cross right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, touch right foot next to left.

Step Forward, Step Back, Right Grapevine with 1/4 Turn Right
9 - 12Step right foot forward, touch left instep behind right heel. Step left foot backwards, touch right toe next to left foot.
13 - 16Step right foot to right side, cross left foot behind right. step right to right side making a 1/4 turn to the right, step left foot next to right.

Pidgeon Toes, Monterey Turns
17- 20Split heels apart, close heels together. Split heels apart, close heels together.
21 - 24Touch right foot to right side, making a 1/2 turn to the right step right foot next to left. Touch left foot to left side, step left foot next to right
25 - 28Touch right foot to right side, making a 1/2 turn to the right step right foot next to left. Touch left foot to left side, touch left foot next to right

Left Shuffle, Right Shuffle, Pivot Turn, Left Shuffle
29&30Step forward on left foot, slide right foot next to left, step forward on left foot.
31&32Step forward on right foot, slide left foot next to right, step forward on right foot.
33 - 34Step forward on to right foot, pivot 1/2 turn on right taking weight onto right foot.
35&36Step forward on left foot, slide right foot next to left, step forward on left foot

Jazz Box
37 - 40Cross right foot over left, step back on left foot, step right foot to right side. step left foot next to right. Right Hook, Left Hook
41 - 44Touch right heel forward, cross right foot in front of left shin, touch right heel forward, step right foot next to left.
45 - 48Touch left heel forward, cross left foot in front of right shin, touch left heel forward, touch left foot next to right foot.


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