CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Guilty Of A Good Time

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Jo Boocock (NZ) & Bex Roper (NZ) - September 2024
Guilty of a Good Time - The Wet Whistles
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#24 ct intro

Side Rock Recover, Behind Side Cross, Side Rock, 1/4 L Coaster Step
1 2 3&4R Side Rock, Rec on LF, step RF behind LF, step LF to left, Cross RF over LF
5 6 7&8L Side Rock, Rec on RF, ¼ turn left stepping back on L [9:00], Step R by L, Step L fwd

Stomp, ¼ Kick Coaster twice
1 2 3&4RF Stomp, 1/4 turn right while kick R [12:00], Step R back, Step L by R, Step R fwd
5 6 7&8LF Stomp, 1/4 turn left while kick L [9:00], Step L Back, Step R by L, Step L fwd

Step Lock, Fwd Lock, Rock Recover, Back Shuffle,
1 2 3&4Step RF Fwd, Lock L behind R, Step R, Lock L, Step R
5 6 7&8Rock L Fwd, Rec Back on R, Step L Back, Step R by L, Step L Back

Walk Back x 3 with toe fans, Back Coaster, R Fwd Scuff into Hitch, Stomp R, Stomp L
1 2 3 4&5Step Back on R turning L toe out [9:00], Step Back on L turning R toe out, Step Back on R turning L toe out, Step L Back, Step R by L, Step L fwd
6 7 8Scuff R Fwd into R Hitch, Stomp R, Stomp L by R

R Sugar Step Cross, Syncopated Vine L, R Sugar Step Cross, Press, Recover
1&2Touch R Toe by left instep, Scuff Right across LF, R Stomp across L,
3&4Step LF to left, Cross R behind L, Step LF to left
5&6Touch R Toe by left instep, Scuff Right across LF, R Stomp across L,
7 8Press Left to [7:30], Recover on R

Back Shuffle, 1/8 Sailor Right, 1/4 Sailor Left, Step R Fwd, Stomp L by R
1&2 3&4Step L Back, Step R by L, Step L Back, 1/8 Turn right Step R behind LF [9:00], Step LF to left, Step RF to right
5&6 7 81/4 Turn left stepping LF behind RF [6:00], Step R to right side, Step L to left side, Step Fwd on R, Stomp L by R

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