Intro: 32 counts after the beat starts, start on the lyric “Gloria”
[1-8] Jump fwd R/L, double hip bumps R/L, single hip bumps R/L
&1-2Jump fwd R and L, Hold
3-6Hip bumps RR/LL
7-8Hip bump R/L
[9-16] Cross rock, side shuffle R/L
1-2Cross rock R over L, recover L
3&4Side shuffle R L R
5-6Cross rock L over R, recover R
7&8Side shuffle L R L
[17-24] Step/tap fwd x4
1-2Step fwd R, tap L next to R
3-4Step fwd L, tap R next to L
5-6Step fwd R, tap L next to R
7-8Step fwd L, tap R next to L (Restart wall 2)
[25-32] Lindy R, Lindy L ¼ turn R
1&2Step R to right, step L next to R, step R to right
3-4Rock L behind R, recover to R
5&6Step L to L, 1/8 turn right stepping R next to L, 1/8 turn right stepping L back
7-8Rock R back, recover to L (3:00)
[33-40] Grapevine R/L
1-4Step R to R side, step L behind right, step R to right side, touch L next to R
5-8Step L to L side, step R behind, step L to side, touch R next to L
[41-48] 1/8 turn heel strut to R x4
1-2Touch R heel fwd, drop R toe while turning 1/8 right
3-4Touch L heel fwd, drop L toe while turning 1/8 right
5-6Touch R heel fwd, drop R toe while turning 1/8 right
7-8Touch L heel fwd, drop L toe while turning 1/8 right (9:00)
[49-56] Rock/recover, Shuffle back, Rock/recover, Shuffle forward
1-2Rock R fwd, recover L
3&4Step R back, step L next to R, step R back
5-6Rock L back, recover R
7&8Step L fwd, step R next to L, step L fwd (restart wall 7)
[57-64] Nightclub basic R/L
1-4Step R to right side, hold, rock L behind R, recover R
5-8Step L to left side, hold, rock R behind L, recover L
Start Over
Restart 1 on wall 2 after 24 counts (9:00)
Restart 2 on wall 7 after 56 counts. (6:00)
Ending: Wall 10; make the heel strut turn (counts 41-48) into a ¾ turn R, to 12:00
Thanks to “my” Gloria, for asking for a dance to this song that had a jump to start it.
Betty Hartman with Bell Dancers
[1-8] Jump fwd R/L, double hip bumps R/L, single hip bumps R/L
&1-2Jump fwd R and L, Hold
3-6Hip bumps RR/LL
7-8Hip bump R/L
[9-16] Cross rock, side shuffle R/L
1-2Cross rock R over L, recover L
3&4Side shuffle R L R
5-6Cross rock L over R, recover R
7&8Side shuffle L R L
[17-24] Step/tap fwd x4
1-2Step fwd R, tap L next to R
3-4Step fwd L, tap R next to L
5-6Step fwd R, tap L next to R
7-8Step fwd L, tap R next to L (Restart wall 2)
[25-32] Lindy R, Lindy L ¼ turn R
1&2Step R to right, step L next to R, step R to right
3-4Rock L behind R, recover to R
5&6Step L to L, 1/8 turn right stepping R next to L, 1/8 turn right stepping L back
7-8Rock R back, recover to L (3:00)
[33-40] Grapevine R/L
1-4Step R to R side, step L behind right, step R to right side, touch L next to R
5-8Step L to L side, step R behind, step L to side, touch R next to L
[41-48] 1/8 turn heel strut to R x4
1-2Touch R heel fwd, drop R toe while turning 1/8 right
3-4Touch L heel fwd, drop L toe while turning 1/8 right
5-6Touch R heel fwd, drop R toe while turning 1/8 right
7-8Touch L heel fwd, drop L toe while turning 1/8 right (9:00)
[49-56] Rock/recover, Shuffle back, Rock/recover, Shuffle forward
1-2Rock R fwd, recover L
3&4Step R back, step L next to R, step R back
5-6Rock L back, recover R
7&8Step L fwd, step R next to L, step L fwd (restart wall 7)
[57-64] Nightclub basic R/L
1-4Step R to right side, hold, rock L behind R, recover R
5-8Step L to left side, hold, rock R behind L, recover L
Start Over
Restart 1 on wall 2 after 24 counts (9:00)
Restart 2 on wall 7 after 56 counts. (6:00)
Ending: Wall 10; make the heel strut turn (counts 41-48) into a ¾ turn R, to 12:00
Thanks to “my” Gloria, for asking for a dance to this song that had a jump to start it.
Betty Hartman with Bell Dancers