Intro: 16 Counts, Start dance on the word sittin’
Section 1. Side Rock, Cross Shuffle. Side, ¼ Turn Forward Shuffle.
1-2-3&4.Step right to side, recover on left, cross right over left and shuffle right left right.
5-6-7&8.Step left to side, ¼ turn on right and shuffle forward left right left.
Section 2. Side Rock, Cross Shuffle. Side, ¼ Turn Forward Shuffle.
1-2-3&4.Step right to side, recover on left, cross right over left and shuffle right left right.
5-6-7&8.Step left to side, ¼ turn on right and shuffle forward left right left.
Section 3. Side Behind Side Shuffle, x2.
1-2-3&4.Step right to side, left behind right, side shuffle right left right.
5-6-7&8.Step left to side, right behind left, side shuffle left right left.
Section 4. Pivot ½ Turn, Forward Shuffle, x2.
1-2-3&4.Forward on right, pivot ½ turn, weight on left, forward shuffle right left right.
5-6-7&8.Forward on left, ½ turn weight on right, forward shuffle left right left.
Section 1. Side Rock, Cross Shuffle. Side, ¼ Turn Forward Shuffle.
1-2-3&4.Step right to side, recover on left, cross right over left and shuffle right left right.
5-6-7&8.Step left to side, ¼ turn on right and shuffle forward left right left.
Section 2. Side Rock, Cross Shuffle. Side, ¼ Turn Forward Shuffle.
1-2-3&4.Step right to side, recover on left, cross right over left and shuffle right left right.
5-6-7&8.Step left to side, ¼ turn on right and shuffle forward left right left.
Section 3. Side Behind Side Shuffle, x2.
1-2-3&4.Step right to side, left behind right, side shuffle right left right.
5-6-7&8.Step left to side, right behind left, side shuffle left right left.
Section 4. Pivot ½ Turn, Forward Shuffle, x2.
1-2-3&4.Forward on right, pivot ½ turn, weight on left, forward shuffle right left right.
5-6-7&8.Forward on left, ½ turn weight on right, forward shuffle left right left.