CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Gone Fishin'

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Easy Intermediate
Ann-Jeanett Ramsvatn (DK) - July 2024
Gone Fishin' - Taylor Moss
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Intro: 16 counts from when the drums starts (App. 17 secs. Into track) Starts with weight on L.

Section 1: Side, Touch, Side, Behind, ⅛ side, Step Fwd, Camel Walks, Boogie Walk
1&2Step R to R side (1), Touch L next to R (&), Step L to L side & twist R heel towards the R diagonal (2) 12.00
3&4Step R behind L (3), Turn ⅛ L stepping L to L side (&), Step R fwd (4) 10:30
5-6Step fwd on L and pop R knee (5), Step fwd on R and pop L knee (6)
7&8Step L fwd with both knee bend out to L side (7) Step R fwd with both knee bend out to R side (&) Step L forward with both knee bend out to L side (8)
Easy Option: On count 7&8 you can run LRL instead of doing the boogie walk 😊

Section 2: Rocking Chair, Step Turn Step, ⅞ Turn R, L Shuffle Fwd
1&2&Rock fwd on R (1), Recover on L (&), Rock back on R (2). Recover on L (&)
3&4Step fwd on R (3), Turn ½ L Recover on L (&), Step fwd on R (4) 4:30
5-6Turn ½ R stepping back on L (5), Turn ⅜ R Stepping fwd on R (6) 3:00
7&8Step fwd on L (7), Step R next to L (&), Step fwd on L (8)
Option: On count 1&2& you can Step ½ Step ½ instead of doing a rocking chair 😊

Section 3: Scuff, Hitch ½ Turn L, Back Drag, Coaster Step, Full Turn L, ½ L Running Back RLR
1&2Turn ¼ L scuffing R next to L (1), Turn ¼ L and lift R knee up (&), Step back on R and drag L heel next to L 9:00
3&4Step L back (3), Step R next to L (&), Step fwd on L (4)
5-6Turn ½ L stepping back on R (5), Turn ½ L stepping fwd on L (6)
7&8½ L stepping back on R (7), Step back on L (&), Step back on R (8) 3:00
Easy Option: On count 5-6 you can walk walk instead of doing a full turn 😊

Section 4: L Back Rock (with knee pop)/Recover, Step Lock Step, Step ½, Step ¼, Behind side Cross
1-2Rock back on on L and popping R knee (1), Recover on R (2)
3&4Step fwd on L (3). Lock R behind L (&), Step fwd on L (4)
5&6Step fwd on R (5), Turn ½ L Recover on L (&), Turn ¼ L stepping R to R side (6) 6:00
7&8Step L behind R (7), Step R to R side (&), Cross L over R (8)

TAG : After Wall 2 & 4 - Do the following: Sway RL
1-2Step R to R side swaying hips to R (1), Sway hips to L (2)

ENDING: Wal 8 is your last wall. Dance to count 28 and do the following: Step ¼ L, Cross, Side
1&2Step fwd on R (1), Turn ¼ L Recover On L (&), Cross R over L (2)
3-4Step L to L side (3), Arm movements (4)
Arm movements (on count 4): Put R hand up over your eyes with the palm down and look fwd like you looking out for someone («Gone Fishin’»)

1 評論

Bunny Harper July 31, 2024
This looks like a lot of fun! Beautifully danced, very clear and graceful —

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