#48 count intro. No tags/No restarts
Heel taps, Stomp, Hold, Heel taps, Rock
1&2&R heel tap forward, Step onto R in place, L heel tap forward, Step onto L in place
3-4Stomp onto Right Forward, Hold
5&6&L heel tap forward, Step onto L in place, R heel tap forward, Step onto R in place
7-8Rock forward onto L, Recover onto R
Coaster Step, Shuffle Fwd., Pivot turns
1&2Step L back, Step R back next to L, Step forward L
3&4Step forward R, Step L together, Step forward R
5-6Step forward L and turn ½ turn toward R onto R (6:00)
7-8Step forward L and turn ½ turn toward R onto R (12:00)
Grapevines with Heel Jacks with Cross Step
1-2Step L to side, Step R crossed behind L
&3&4Step onto L, R heel tap forward, Step onto R in place, Step onto L crossed in front of R
5-6Step R to side, Step L crossed behind R
&7&8Step onto R, L heel tap forward, Step onto L in place, Step onto R crossed in front of L
Unwind Turn, Kick, Back Shuffle, Rock, Swivel Step
1-2Unwind ¾ turn toward L (staying on R), Kick L forward (3:00)
3&4Step L Back, Step back R together, Step L back
5-6Rock back onto R, Recover onto L
7&8Place R forward, Swivel both heels to R, Return both heels center
Contact Stacey at linedancewithstacey@gmail.com
YouTube: @LinedancewithStacey
Last Update: 24 Feb 2025
Heel taps, Stomp, Hold, Heel taps, Rock
1&2&R heel tap forward, Step onto R in place, L heel tap forward, Step onto L in place
3-4Stomp onto Right Forward, Hold
5&6&L heel tap forward, Step onto L in place, R heel tap forward, Step onto R in place
7-8Rock forward onto L, Recover onto R
Coaster Step, Shuffle Fwd., Pivot turns
1&2Step L back, Step R back next to L, Step forward L
3&4Step forward R, Step L together, Step forward R
5-6Step forward L and turn ½ turn toward R onto R (6:00)
7-8Step forward L and turn ½ turn toward R onto R (12:00)
Grapevines with Heel Jacks with Cross Step
1-2Step L to side, Step R crossed behind L
&3&4Step onto L, R heel tap forward, Step onto R in place, Step onto L crossed in front of R
5-6Step R to side, Step L crossed behind R
&7&8Step onto R, L heel tap forward, Step onto L in place, Step onto R crossed in front of L
Unwind Turn, Kick, Back Shuffle, Rock, Swivel Step
1-2Unwind ¾ turn toward L (staying on R), Kick L forward (3:00)
3&4Step L Back, Step back R together, Step L back
5-6Rock back onto R, Recover onto L
7&8Place R forward, Swivel both heels to R, Return both heels center
Contact Stacey at linedancewithstacey@gmail.com
YouTube: @LinedancewithStacey
Last Update: 24 Feb 2025