#16 ct intro
Restart on wall 5 after 16 counts
Step Hold x 2, Jazz Square
1 2 3 4R foot step forward, Hold, L foot step forward, Hold
5 6 7 8R cross over L, L step Back, R step R, L step forward
Side rock, recover, behind, side cross x 2
1 2 3 & 4R rock out R, recover onto L, R cross behind L, L step L, R cross over L
5 6 7 & 8L rock out L, recover onto R, L cross behind R, R step R, L cross over R
* Restart here wall 5
Rocking chair, 2 x 1/4 pivots left
1 2 3 4Rock forward on R, recover back on L, rock back on R, recover forward on L
5 6 7 8R step forward, 1/4 turn L recovering weight on L [9:00], R step forward, ¼ turn L recovering weight on L [6:00]
V step, Step Fwd, Tap, Step Back, Touch
1 2 3 4R step forward and out R, left step forward and out left, Right step back and in, L step beside R
5 6 7 8R step forward, L toe tap behind R, L step back, R toe touch beside L
RESTART : Wall 5 after 16 counts – facing 12:00
Dance edit email: jobex.bootscoot@gmail.com
Have fun and let's see what happens!
Restart on wall 5 after 16 counts
Step Hold x 2, Jazz Square
1 2 3 4R foot step forward, Hold, L foot step forward, Hold
5 6 7 8R cross over L, L step Back, R step R, L step forward
Side rock, recover, behind, side cross x 2
1 2 3 & 4R rock out R, recover onto L, R cross behind L, L step L, R cross over L
5 6 7 & 8L rock out L, recover onto R, L cross behind R, R step R, L cross over R
* Restart here wall 5
Rocking chair, 2 x 1/4 pivots left
1 2 3 4Rock forward on R, recover back on L, rock back on R, recover forward on L
5 6 7 8R step forward, 1/4 turn L recovering weight on L [9:00], R step forward, ¼ turn L recovering weight on L [6:00]
V step, Step Fwd, Tap, Step Back, Touch
1 2 3 4R step forward and out R, left step forward and out left, Right step back and in, L step beside R
5 6 7 8R step forward, L toe tap behind R, L step back, R toe touch beside L
RESTART : Wall 5 after 16 counts – facing 12:00
Dance edit email: jobex.bootscoot@gmail.com
Have fun and let's see what happens!