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Do The Moose Knuckle Shuffle

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Rafel Corbí (ES) & Adrian Churm (UK) - May 2024
Moose Knuckle Shuffle - Hot Country Knights
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Sec 1 Chasse left, back rock & recover, chasse right back rock & recover.
1&2Chasse to left side, stepping L,R,L.
3 – 4Rock back onto right, recover forward onto left.
5&6Chasse to the right side, stepping R,L,R
7 – 8Rock back onto left, recover forward onto right. [12 o’clock]

Sec 2 Shuffle forward x2, ½ turn right, ¼ turn right.
1&2Shuffle forward L,R,L.
3&4Shuffle forward R,L,R.
5 – 6Step forward Left, ½ turn right (weight ends on right).
7 – 8Step forward Left, ¼ turn right (weight ends on right). [9 o’clock]

Sec 3 Step across, side, behind, heel jack, ball cross, hold, side, triple cross.
1 – 2Step left across right, step right to the side.
3&4Step left behind right, step right to the side, touch left heel out to the side.
&5 – 6Step ball of left next to right, step right across left, hold.
&7&8Step left to the side, step right across left, step left to the side, step right across left [9 o’clock]

Sec 4 Side rock, close, side rock, ¼ turn sailor to the right.
1 – 2Rock left out to the side, recover.
&3 – 4Close left next to right, rock right out to the side, recover.
5&6Step right behind left, ¼ turn right left steps to the side, step right forward. [12 o’clock]

Sec 5 Shuffle forward, ¼ turn into shuffle forward, step hook ½ turn, step tap.
1&2Shuffle forward L,R,L.
&3&4¼ turn right, shuffle forward R,L,R.
5 – 6Step forward left, ½ turn left hooking right across left shin.
7 – 8Step right forward, tap left next to right. [9 o’clock]

Tag. Beginning of wall 4 add the following before re starting the dance
1&2Chasse to left side, stepping L,R,L.
3 – 4Rock back onto right, recover forward onto left.
5 – 6Large step to the right side allow left to slide into the right. Tap.

To finish, dance right till the end of music. Dance ends after counts 1&2 of section 5 facing the front

2 評論

LyBo May 29, 2024
That was fun. Thanks Rafael :-)

Sonny V. May 29, 2024
Love it 👍🤗🫶

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