CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Romain Brasme (FR) & Marlon Ronkes (NL) - May 2024
Nervous (Acoustic version) - Gavin James
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Intro: 16 Counts, Start at approx 13 secs

Start facing 10:30 with right toe pointed forward

SEC 1 Side Arabesque, Weave, Out, Out, Prep, Full Spiral Turn Sweep, ¼ Weave Full Spiral
1Step right to right lifting left leg to left
Arms Swing right arm in circle to right
2&3Step left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right
4&Step right to right, step left to left
Arms Place right arm up to right diagonal, place left arm up to left diagonal
5Prep body to left
6-7Spiral full turn right sweeping right from front to back
Restart here on wall 6 : Hold 1 count then dance tag 3 before restarting
8&1Step right behind left, turn ¼ left step left forward, step right forward spiralling full turn left (9:00)

SEC 2 Run, Run, Rock, Back, Back Sweep, Back Sweep, ¼ Side, Hold
2&Step left forward, step right forward
3-4&Rock left forward, recover weight onto right, step left back
5-6Step right back sweeping left from front to back, step left back sweeping right from front to back
7-8Turn ¼ right step right to right, hold (12:00)

SEC 3 ¼ Step, Step, ½ Pivot, Step, Step, ½ Pivot, ¼ Side, ¼ Step, ¼ Side, ¼ Step, ½ Back
1Turn ¼ left step left forward (9:00)
2&3Step right forward, pivot ½ left transferring weight on to left, step right forward (3:00)
4&5Step left forward, pivot ½ right transferring weight on to right, turn ¼ right step left to left (12:00)
6-7Turn ¼ right step right forward, turn ¼ right step left to left (6:00)
8&Turn ¼ right step right forward, turn ½ right step left back (3:00)

SEC 4 ¼ Nightclub Basic, Side Hitch, Cross, ¼ Step Sweep, ½ Hitch, Touch Back, Drag
1-2&Turn ¼ right step right to right, step left beside right, cross right over left (6:00)
3-4Step left to left hitching right knee, cross right over left
5-6Turn ¼ left step left forward sweeping right from back to front, turn ½ left hitch right knee (9:00)
7-8Touch right back, drag right towards left

Tag 1 At the end of wall 2
Arm Movements
1-2Make half a heart with right hand in front of chest, finish heart with left hand
3-4Push arms forward over 2 counts
5-6Open arms to the side over 2 counts
7-8Drop arms down over 2 counts

Tag 2 At the end of wall 4
Arm Movements
1-2Push right hand forward, push left hand forward
3-4Place right hand on chest, place left hand on right hand

Tag 3 After 8 counts of wall 6
Hold x2, Back x3, Together, Arm Lower
1-2Hold for 2 counts
3-4Step right back, step left back
5-6Step right back, step left beside right
Arms On counts 3-6 slowly push right arm forward
7-10Slowly lower right arm

Last Update: 25 May 2024

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