CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Marlon Ronkes (NL) & Romain Brasme (FR) - May 2024
Rosa - Fabi Hernandez & Mathieu Ruz
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Intro: Start at approx 36 secs

Intro Arm Movements
Slowly raise both arms to side over first 2 lines of vocals ending above head with wrists and touching fingers by drawing a rose, open your hands on vocal
Pull both arms down in front of body wrists still together on next vocal line
Raise both arms to sides ending at shoulder height on next vocal line
Rotate body left bending right arm in front body bending both knees

Main Dance - Start on Main beat at 36 Secs
SEC 1 Walk x3, ½ Back, Back x3, Clap Clap
Note Arm and body remains in same position for counts 1-6
1-2Step right forward, step left forward
3-4Step right forward, turn ½ right step left back (6:00)
5-6Step right back, step left back
7&8Step right back, clap twice

SEC 2 Step Sweep, Step Sweep, Weave ¼ Turn
1-2Step left forward sweeping right from back to front
3-4Step right forward sweeping left from back to front
5-6Cross left over right, step right to right
7-8Step left behind right, turn ¼ right step right forward (9:00)

SEC 3 Step, ½ Pivot, Shuffle, Rock, Walk, Walk Flick
1-2Step left forward, pivot ½ right transferring weight on to right (3:00)
3&4Step left forward, step right beside left, step left forward
5-6Rock right forward, recover weight onto left
7-8Step right forward, step left forward flicking right back

SEC 4 Step, ½ Pivot, Shuffle, Step, ½ Pivot, Step, ¼ Pivot
1-2Step right forward, pivot ½ left transferring weight on to left (9:00)
3&4Step right forward, step left beside right, step right forward
5-6Step left forward, pivot ½ right transferring weight on to right (3:00)
7-8Step left forward, pivot ¼ right transferring weight on to right (6:00)

SEC 5 Rock, ½ Shuffle, Rock, ½ Walk, Walk
1-2Rock left forward, recover weight onto right
3&4Turn ½ left step left forward, step right beside left, step left forward (12:00)
5-6Rock right forward, recover weight onto left
7-8Turn ½ right step right forward, step left forward (6:00)
Restart Here on Wall 4

SEC 6 Mambo Step, Back Mambo, Botofogo, Botofogo
1&2Rock right forward, recover weight onto left, step right back
3&4Rock left back, recover weight onto right, step left forward
5&6Cross right over left, rock left to left, recover weight onto right
7&8Cross left over right, rock right to right, recover weight onto left

SEC 7 Point Forward, Hitch, Weave, Point Forward, Hitch, Weave
1-2Point right forward, hitch right knee
3&4Step right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left
5-6Point left forward, hitch left knee
7&8Step left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right

SEC 8 Step, Hold, Touch, Heel Twist, Step, Hold, Together, Hold
1-2Step right forward, hold
3&4Touch left forward, twist left heel to left, twist left to centre transferring weight on to left
5-6Step right forward, hold
7-8Step left beside right, bend both knees
Arms On count 8 take left arm back cross right arm over chest

Tag at the end of wall 2
Hold, Arm Movements
Hold until vocals return
Slowly raise both arms to sides ending above head with wrists touching on vocal “Rosa”
Pull both arms down in front of body wrists still together
Raise both arms to sides ending at shoulder height
Rotate body left bending right arm in front body

Last Update: 24 May 2024

10 JUN '24 50

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