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World On Fire

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Phrased Intermediate
Steve Carlson (USA) - May 2024
World on Fire - Nate Smith
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1Tag, 2 restarts
Sequence: A A B( ONLY first 16cts of A) A A B A TAG A A

(1st 8 Count, Counts 1-2 & 7-8 syncopated)
[ R Out, L Out, R In, L In, walk R, walk Left, R Rock forward recover on left, natural half turn and triple step forward R, L, R. ]
1&2&34Right foot out, Left foot out, Right back to center, Left foot back to center, Walk Right, Walk left
567&8Right foot rock forward, Recover back on left foot, Natural ½ turn stepping right, left, right.

(2nd 8 Count) [ Left shuffle to L oblique corner followed by hip roll, right shuffle forward to R oblique corner followed by performing a Right Toe heel stomp as performing reverse quarter turn to face 9 o’clock wall. ]
1&234Shuffle Left, right, left, with hips facing right corner of room, hip roll left to right,
5&67&8Shuffle Right, Left, right, with hips facing left corner of room, Right toe, heel, stomp during reverse ¼ turn.

(3rd 8 Count) Reverse ¾ turn with a Right touch hitch 4X, Heel switches Right heel Left heel, Right toe, Left toe
1-8Right hitch & touch 4X during reverse ¾ turn, Right heel touch, Left heel touch, Right toe in, Left toe in.

(4th 8 Count) Natural full turn + quarter turn with Left hitch and touch 4X, right sailor, left sailor
1234Left hitch touch 4X during natural full turn + ¼ turn,
5&67&8Right foot behind left & recover, Left behind right & recover.
-1st & 2nd wall normal flow. 1st Restart on wall 3 after count 16 of Part A ( you will be facing [9:00] wall on restart)
Following the second Chorus in the song you will dance the first 16 counts and then have the second restart.

**2nd Restart at 1:55 on lyric “Ain’t nothin’ left for me…”

TAG: 4 beat tag at 2:15 on “You set my, you set my…” ( 4 Counts )
1234{ Right foot point and tap 4X while pointing to nearest line dance friend }
{{ Style: Advanced dancers can optionally perform R cross unwind 2X for this Tag }}

Finish the dance with Part A twice; all normal sequencing to end.

Enjoy this fun high energy dance and please feel free to post any videos of you dancing this at your favorite spot!

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