Restart after four counts on wall four
(1-8) Start facing the home wall
1-2R Sailor step R behind L, step L to side, step R besides L
3-4L Sailor 1/4 turn Left step L behind R while making a quarter turn left, step R side, Step L next to R ( brings you to the 9 o'clock wall)
5-6R Sailor 1/4 turn Right step R behind L while making a quarter turn R, step L side, Step R next to L ( bringing you back to 12)
7-8Left sailor 1/2 turn Left step L behind R while making a half turn over your L, step R side, step L L next to R (bringing you to the 6 o'clock wall)
1&2Shuffle forward R R foot leads R,L,R
3&4Shuffle forward L L foot leads L,R,L
5-6R forward rock step R foot forward , weight change R rock back on left
7&8R back shuffle R foot leads backwards R,L,R
1&2L back shuffle L foot leads backwards L,R,L
3&4R coaster step R behind, L beside, R forward
5-81/4 turn R, 1/2 turn R step L forward and make quarter turn ( now facing 9 o'clock) 1/2 turn over R ( now facing 3 o'clock)
1&2L crossing shuffle L crosses infront of R as you shuffle R,L,R
3-4R step, L drag step R to the side and drag L in for a touch
5-8R sugar foot, L sugar foot R toe, heel, stomp L toe, heel, stomp R sugar foot, Left sugar foot R to, heel, stomp L toe, heel, stomp
Submitted by: Dixie Dancers - Email: dixiedancers5678@gmail.com
(1-8) Start facing the home wall
1-2R Sailor step R behind L, step L to side, step R besides L
3-4L Sailor 1/4 turn Left step L behind R while making a quarter turn left, step R side, Step L next to R ( brings you to the 9 o'clock wall)
5-6R Sailor 1/4 turn Right step R behind L while making a quarter turn R, step L side, Step R next to L ( bringing you back to 12)
7-8Left sailor 1/2 turn Left step L behind R while making a half turn over your L, step R side, step L L next to R (bringing you to the 6 o'clock wall)
1&2Shuffle forward R R foot leads R,L,R
3&4Shuffle forward L L foot leads L,R,L
5-6R forward rock step R foot forward , weight change R rock back on left
7&8R back shuffle R foot leads backwards R,L,R
1&2L back shuffle L foot leads backwards L,R,L
3&4R coaster step R behind, L beside, R forward
5-81/4 turn R, 1/2 turn R step L forward and make quarter turn ( now facing 9 o'clock) 1/2 turn over R ( now facing 3 o'clock)
1&2L crossing shuffle L crosses infront of R as you shuffle R,L,R
3-4R step, L drag step R to the side and drag L in for a touch
5-8R sugar foot, L sugar foot R toe, heel, stomp L toe, heel, stomp R sugar foot, Left sugar foot R to, heel, stomp L toe, heel, stomp
Submitted by: Dixie Dancers - Email: dixiedancers5678@gmail.com