No tags, No Restarts (CW)
K- Step, 1/4 Right
1-4Step diagonal forward on RF, touch L next to R, back on L, touch R nxt to L
5-8Step R 1/4 R, touch L next to R, step back on L,touch R next to L
Walk Forward/ Kick, Walk Back / Touch
1-4Walk RF forward, LF forward, RF forward, LF low kick
5-8Walk back LF, back on RF, back on LF, touch RF next to LF
Monterey 1/4 Right, Rocking Chair
1-4Point R toe out, turn 1/4 Right on R, point L toe out, LF next to R (take weight)
5-8Rock RF forward, recover on L, rock RF back, recover on L
Points, Right Jazz
1-4Step forward RF, point L toe out, step forward LF, point R toe out
5-8Step RF over L, Step back on L , step on R, step L together
It's All About Fun
K- Step, 1/4 Right
1-4Step diagonal forward on RF, touch L next to R, back on L, touch R nxt to L
5-8Step R 1/4 R, touch L next to R, step back on L,touch R next to L
Walk Forward/ Kick, Walk Back / Touch
1-4Walk RF forward, LF forward, RF forward, LF low kick
5-8Walk back LF, back on RF, back on LF, touch RF next to LF
Monterey 1/4 Right, Rocking Chair
1-4Point R toe out, turn 1/4 Right on R, point L toe out, LF next to R (take weight)
5-8Rock RF forward, recover on L, rock RF back, recover on L
Points, Right Jazz
1-4Step forward RF, point L toe out, step forward LF, point R toe out
5-8Step RF over L, Step back on L , step on R, step L together
It's All About Fun