CopperKnob Stepsheets

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You're Golden

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Cathy Breed (AUS) - February 2024
Golden - Lady A : (iTunes)
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Intro: 32 Counts, Start on “the Sunset”

Cross-Side-Back, Fwd-½-Back, Fwd-Full Turn-Sweep, Cross-Side-Rock-Cross-Side
1&2Step R across left, Step L to left, Step R back
3&4Step forward onto L, Turn ½ left step R back, Step L back (6.00)
5&6&Step R forward, Turn ½ right step L back, Turn ½ forward step R forward, Sweep L
7&8Step L across right, Step R to right, Rock L to left ** Wall 3 Restart after Count 8
&1Step R across left, Step L to left dragging right towards left

Back-Rock-Side, Behind-¼-Fwd, Back, Back-Lock-Back-½-Fwd
2&3Step R back, Rock/Recover fwd onto L, Step R to right dragging left
4&5Step L behind right, Turn ¼ right step R forward, Step L forward (9.00)
6Step R back dragging L towards right
7&8&Step L back, Lock R across left, Step L back, Turn ½ right step R forward (3.00)
1Step L forward

Back-¼-Cross, Back-Together-Fwd, Pivot, ¼ Sway-Sway-Side
2&3Rock/Recover back on R, Turn ¼ left step L to left, Step R across left (12.00)
4&5Rock/Recover back onto L, Step R beside left, Step L forward
6Turn ½ right transferring weight to R (Pivot) (6.00)
7&Turn ¼ right step L to left swaying hips to left, Sway hips to right (9.00)
8Take a large step left step L to left dragging R towards left ** Wall 6 Restart after Count 24

Behind-¼-Full Turn, , Step, Paddle-Cross, ¼-¼-Cross, Rock-Side
1&2&Step R behind left, Turn ¼ left step L fwd, Turn ½ left step R back, Turn ½ left step L fwd (6.00)
3 4Step R forward, Turn ¼ left transferring weight to L (3.00)
5&6Cross R over left, Turn ¼ right step L back, Turn ¼ right step R to right (9.00)
7 8&Step L across right, Rock/Recover back onto R, Step L to left

Wall 3 (6.00) dance to Count 8 then drag right towards left to restart at 12 o’clock.
Wall 6 (6.00) dance to Count 24 and restart at 3 o’clock.

Wall 7 dance to Count 31 and finish at the front wall. Please note that during Wall 7 the music slows slightly at Count 16 for 3 counts – just dance through it in time with the music.

Thank you & enjoy! 😊

Free to be copied provided no changes are made to the original choreography.
Cathy Breed 0414 951 207

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