Intro 16 counts (on Get) 1 restart
S-1) Tap Tap,Shuffle Right,Rock Recover,Shuffle Left
1-2Tap R toe next to L(1)tap R toe next to L(2)
3&4step R to R(3)step L next to R(&)step R to R(4)
5-6rock L behind R(5)recover on R(6)
7&8step L to L(7)step R next to L(&)step L to L(8)
S-2) Rock Recover,Shuffle Forward,Rock Recover Coaster Step
1-2rock back on R(1)recover on L(2)
3&4step R forward(3)step L next to R(&)step R forward(4)
5-6rock L forward(5)recover on R(6)
7&8step L back(7)step R back(&)step L forward(8)
S-3) Side Together,Shuffle ¼ Right,Step ½ Shuffle Forward
1-2step R to R(1)step L next to R(2)
3&4step R to R ⅛ turn R(3)step L next to R(&)step R to R ⅛ R(4)(3:00)
5-6step L forward(5)pivot on R ½ turn R(6)(9:00)
7&8step L forward(7)step R next to L(&)step L forward(8)*
S-4) Rocking Chair(or Step ½ x2),Cross Point,Shuffle Forward
1-4rock R forward(1)recover on L(2)rock back on R(3)recover on L(4)
5-6cross R in front of L(5)point L to L(6)
7&8step L forward(7)step R next to L(&)step L forward(8)
* Wall 8 starts facing 3:00 restart after 24 counts facing 12:00
S-1) Tap Tap,Shuffle Right,Rock Recover,Shuffle Left
1-2Tap R toe next to L(1)tap R toe next to L(2)
3&4step R to R(3)step L next to R(&)step R to R(4)
5-6rock L behind R(5)recover on R(6)
7&8step L to L(7)step R next to L(&)step L to L(8)
S-2) Rock Recover,Shuffle Forward,Rock Recover Coaster Step
1-2rock back on R(1)recover on L(2)
3&4step R forward(3)step L next to R(&)step R forward(4)
5-6rock L forward(5)recover on R(6)
7&8step L back(7)step R back(&)step L forward(8)
S-3) Side Together,Shuffle ¼ Right,Step ½ Shuffle Forward
1-2step R to R(1)step L next to R(2)
3&4step R to R ⅛ turn R(3)step L next to R(&)step R to R ⅛ R(4)(3:00)
5-6step L forward(5)pivot on R ½ turn R(6)(9:00)
7&8step L forward(7)step R next to L(&)step L forward(8)*
S-4) Rocking Chair(or Step ½ x2),Cross Point,Shuffle Forward
1-4rock R forward(1)recover on L(2)rock back on R(3)recover on L(4)
5-6cross R in front of L(5)point L to L(6)
7&8step L forward(7)step R next to L(&)step L forward(8)
* Wall 8 starts facing 3:00 restart after 24 counts facing 12:00