High Intermediate
Cross rock left over right, side shuffle LRL with ¼ turn left
1.Left foot cross over right foot
2.Rock and shift weight back to right foot
3.Step left foot to left side turning 1/4 left
&.Step right foot slightly behind left foot
4.Step left foot forward
Pivot turn left, turn ¼ turn left and slide right
5.Step right foot forward
6.Pivot 1/2 turn left shifting weight forward to right foot
7.Turn 1/4 left sliding right foot big slide to right side
8.Drag left foot to right foot (keeping weight on right foot)
Sailor step left behind right, rock right behind left
1.Cross left foot behind right
&.Step right foot to right side
2.Step left foot to left side
3.Cross right foot behind left foot
4.Rock and shift weight to left foot
Box slide turning ¼ turns left. RLRL
5.Slide right foot to right side
6.Turn 1/4 turn left and slide left foot to left side
7.Turn 1/4 turn left and slide right foot to right side
8.Turn 1/4 turn left and slide left foot to left side
Cross rock right over left, point then 1/2 turn right
1.Cross right foot over left foot
2.Rock and shift weight to left foot
3.Point right foot to right side
4.Turn 1/4 right stepping forward on right
Point left then ¼ turn right, coaster step RLR
5.Turn 1/4 turn right and point left foot to left side
6.Turn 1/4 turn right and step left foot back
7.Step right foot back
&.Step left foot next to right on ball of foot
8.Step left foot forward
Step forward bumping hips, Left then Right
1.Touch left toe forward and bump left hip
2.Step left foot forward and bump left hip
3.Touch right toe forward and bump right hip
4.Step right tow forward and bump right hip
Pivot ½ turn right, walk forward (or 2 ½ turn spins) Left then Right
5.Step left foot forward
6.Pivot 1/2 turn right shifting weight forward to right foot
7.Step left foot forward (OPTION : Turn 1/2 turn right stepping backward on left shifting weight to left foot)
8.Step right foot forward (OPTION CONT. : Continue turning 1/2 turn right then step forward on right foot)
1.Left foot cross over right foot
2.Rock and shift weight back to right foot
3.Step left foot to left side turning 1/4 left
&.Step right foot slightly behind left foot
4.Step left foot forward
Pivot turn left, turn ¼ turn left and slide right
5.Step right foot forward
6.Pivot 1/2 turn left shifting weight forward to right foot
7.Turn 1/4 left sliding right foot big slide to right side
8.Drag left foot to right foot (keeping weight on right foot)
Sailor step left behind right, rock right behind left
1.Cross left foot behind right
&.Step right foot to right side
2.Step left foot to left side
3.Cross right foot behind left foot
4.Rock and shift weight to left foot
Box slide turning ¼ turns left. RLRL
5.Slide right foot to right side
6.Turn 1/4 turn left and slide left foot to left side
7.Turn 1/4 turn left and slide right foot to right side
8.Turn 1/4 turn left and slide left foot to left side
Cross rock right over left, point then 1/2 turn right
1.Cross right foot over left foot
2.Rock and shift weight to left foot
3.Point right foot to right side
4.Turn 1/4 right stepping forward on right
Point left then ¼ turn right, coaster step RLR
5.Turn 1/4 turn right and point left foot to left side
6.Turn 1/4 turn right and step left foot back
7.Step right foot back
&.Step left foot next to right on ball of foot
8.Step left foot forward
Step forward bumping hips, Left then Right
1.Touch left toe forward and bump left hip
2.Step left foot forward and bump left hip
3.Touch right toe forward and bump right hip
4.Step right tow forward and bump right hip
Pivot ½ turn right, walk forward (or 2 ½ turn spins) Left then Right
5.Step left foot forward
6.Pivot 1/2 turn right shifting weight forward to right foot
7.Step left foot forward (OPTION : Turn 1/2 turn right stepping backward on left shifting weight to left foot)
8.Step right foot forward (OPTION CONT. : Continue turning 1/2 turn right then step forward on right foot)