Intro: 8 counts. Weight is on L
3.03mins BPM 149
# 2 count Tag at the end of wall 1 at 6.00 – add
1 2Rock R fwd, Recover L back
## 4 count Tag at the end of wall 2 at 12.00 - add
1 2 3 4Rock R fwd, Recover L, Rock R back, Recover L fwd (R Rocking Chair)
### on wall 3 dance to count 24 and Restart at 6.00
#### On wall 6 at 6.00 dance the first 6 counts then step L beside R and Restart facing 6.00
Version 1
Walk R, Walk L, 1/2 R Pivot, 1/2 R Lock Shuffle with R Sweep, Back coaster cross, Out Out, Ball Cross
1 2&Step R forward, Step L forward, 1/2 R Pivot (6.00)
3&4Turn 1/4 R stepping L to L side, Turn 1/4 R lock R over L, Step L Back as R sweeps around (12.00)
5&6Back R coaster cross ####
&7&8Step L out to L side, Step R out to R side, L beside R, Cross R over L
Step Side L, Touch R Toe behind L, Unwind 1/2 R onto R, Weave-Cross Side Behind, Side Cross, Recover,
Ball Cross, Full Turn, Shuffle LRL to L diagonal
&1 2Step L to L side, Touch R toe behind L, Unwind 1/2 turn over R dropping weight on R (6.00)
3&4 &5 6Cross L over R, R to R side, L behind R, R to R side, Cross rock R over L, Recover R
&7 8&1Step L to L side, Cross R over L unwind full turn L onto R foot, Side shuffle LRL ending on L diagonal (4.30)
R fwd, 1/2 L pivot, R fwd, L beside R, Step R back, L beside R, Ball Step back (open body to 1.30), Recover L (close body to 10.30) fwd, 1/2 L step R back, L beside R, Back R coaster
2&3&4Forward R, 1/2 L pivot (10.30), R forward, Step L beside R, Step R back
&5 6L beside R, Step R back to R side facing (1.30), Recover L forward (10.30)
&71/2 L turn stepping R back, Step L back (10.30)
8&1R back coaster (4.30) ###
L Scissor, Step side R, Touch L toe back, Unwind 1/2 L wgt on L, Fwd R, Recover L, Tog, L fwd into a 1/2 R pivot with R hook, R fwd, L tog # ##
2&3Step L to L side, R beside L, Cross L over R, (straightening to 6.00)
&4&Step R to R side, Touch L toe back R, 1/2 L dropping weight on L, (12.00)
5 6&Step R forward, Recover L, stepping R beside L
7Step L forward as you as pivot 1/2 R pivot R hooking R to L knee (6.00)
8&Step R forward, Step L beside R # ##
Mark Simpkin – Southern Cross Line Dancers – www.southerncrosslinedance.com
YouTube – Southern Cross Linedancers
msimpkin@bigpond.net.au M 0418 440 402
3.03mins BPM 149
# 2 count Tag at the end of wall 1 at 6.00 – add
1 2Rock R fwd, Recover L back
## 4 count Tag at the end of wall 2 at 12.00 - add
1 2 3 4Rock R fwd, Recover L, Rock R back, Recover L fwd (R Rocking Chair)
### on wall 3 dance to count 24 and Restart at 6.00
#### On wall 6 at 6.00 dance the first 6 counts then step L beside R and Restart facing 6.00
Version 1
Walk R, Walk L, 1/2 R Pivot, 1/2 R Lock Shuffle with R Sweep, Back coaster cross, Out Out, Ball Cross
1 2&Step R forward, Step L forward, 1/2 R Pivot (6.00)
3&4Turn 1/4 R stepping L to L side, Turn 1/4 R lock R over L, Step L Back as R sweeps around (12.00)
5&6Back R coaster cross ####
&7&8Step L out to L side, Step R out to R side, L beside R, Cross R over L
Step Side L, Touch R Toe behind L, Unwind 1/2 R onto R, Weave-Cross Side Behind, Side Cross, Recover,
Ball Cross, Full Turn, Shuffle LRL to L diagonal
&1 2Step L to L side, Touch R toe behind L, Unwind 1/2 turn over R dropping weight on R (6.00)
3&4 &5 6Cross L over R, R to R side, L behind R, R to R side, Cross rock R over L, Recover R
&7 8&1Step L to L side, Cross R over L unwind full turn L onto R foot, Side shuffle LRL ending on L diagonal (4.30)
R fwd, 1/2 L pivot, R fwd, L beside R, Step R back, L beside R, Ball Step back (open body to 1.30), Recover L (close body to 10.30) fwd, 1/2 L step R back, L beside R, Back R coaster
2&3&4Forward R, 1/2 L pivot (10.30), R forward, Step L beside R, Step R back
&5 6L beside R, Step R back to R side facing (1.30), Recover L forward (10.30)
&71/2 L turn stepping R back, Step L back (10.30)
8&1R back coaster (4.30) ###
L Scissor, Step side R, Touch L toe back, Unwind 1/2 L wgt on L, Fwd R, Recover L, Tog, L fwd into a 1/2 R pivot with R hook, R fwd, L tog # ##
2&3Step L to L side, R beside L, Cross L over R, (straightening to 6.00)
&4&Step R to R side, Touch L toe back R, 1/2 L dropping weight on L, (12.00)
5 6&Step R forward, Recover L, stepping R beside L
7Step L forward as you as pivot 1/2 R pivot R hooking R to L knee (6.00)
8&Step R forward, Step L beside R # ##
Mark Simpkin – Southern Cross Line Dancers – www.southerncrosslinedance.com
YouTube – Southern Cross Linedancers
msimpkin@bigpond.net.au M 0418 440 402