Improver - waltz
Intro: 60 around 27" or on Lyric
Restart during W6 after 24C
End during W12 after 24C
S1: (Cross, Side Point) LR
1-3cross Lf over Rf, point Rf to R over 2C
5-6cross Rf over Lf, point Lf to L over 2C
S2: 1/2L Twinkle, Cross Point, Side
1-3cross Lf over Rf, turn 1/4L stepping Rf back, 9H, turn 1/4L stepping Lf to L, 6H
4-6cross point Rf over Lf bending Lf over 2C, step Rf to R
S3: Weave, 1/4R Forward, Sweep 1/4R
1-3cross Lf over Rf, step Rf to R, cross Lf behind Rf
4-6turn 1/4R stepping Rf forward, 9H, sweep Lf from back to front turning 1/4R over 2C, 12H
S4: Weave, Rock Side Recover Cross
1-3cross Lf over Rf, step Rf to R, cross Lf behind Rf
4-6rock Rf to R, recover to Lf, cross Rf over Lf (naturally facing 10:30h)
Restart here during W6: after replacing cross Rf with stepping Rf next to Lf facing back wall
Ends here during W12 with the finish facing 10:30H, Optional R hand reach forward and palm faces up
S5: Basic Forward, 1/2L Basic
1-3step Lf forward, step Rf next to Lf, step Lf next to Rf
4-6turn 1/8L stepping Rf back, 9H, turn 1/4L stepping Lf slightly to L, 6H, turn 1/8L stepping Rf slightly forward, 4:30H
S6: Basic Forward, 1/4R Basic
1-3step Lf forward, step Rf next to Lf, step Lf next to Rf
4-6step Rf back, turn 1/8R stepping Lf next to Rf, turn 1/8R stepping Rf slightly forward, 7:30H
S7: Forward Extend Rf Forward, 1/2L Basic
1-3step Lf forward, extend Rf forward over 2C
4-6turn 1/8L stepping Rf back, 6H, turn 1/4L stepping Lf slightly to L, 3H, turn 1/8L stepping Rf slightly forward, 1:30H
S8: Forward Extend Rf Forward, 3/8R Basic
1-3step Lf forward, extend Rf forward over 2C
4-6turn 1/4R stepping Rf to R, 4:30H, step Lf next to Rf, turn 1/8R stepping Rf slightly forward, 6H
Thanks and happy dancing!
Contact: procankm@hotmail.com
Last Update: 15 Mar 2024
Restart during W6 after 24C
End during W12 after 24C
S1: (Cross, Side Point) LR
1-3cross Lf over Rf, point Rf to R over 2C
5-6cross Rf over Lf, point Lf to L over 2C
S2: 1/2L Twinkle, Cross Point, Side
1-3cross Lf over Rf, turn 1/4L stepping Rf back, 9H, turn 1/4L stepping Lf to L, 6H
4-6cross point Rf over Lf bending Lf over 2C, step Rf to R
S3: Weave, 1/4R Forward, Sweep 1/4R
1-3cross Lf over Rf, step Rf to R, cross Lf behind Rf
4-6turn 1/4R stepping Rf forward, 9H, sweep Lf from back to front turning 1/4R over 2C, 12H
S4: Weave, Rock Side Recover Cross
1-3cross Lf over Rf, step Rf to R, cross Lf behind Rf
4-6rock Rf to R, recover to Lf, cross Rf over Lf (naturally facing 10:30h)
Restart here during W6: after replacing cross Rf with stepping Rf next to Lf facing back wall
Ends here during W12 with the finish facing 10:30H, Optional R hand reach forward and palm faces up
S5: Basic Forward, 1/2L Basic
1-3step Lf forward, step Rf next to Lf, step Lf next to Rf
4-6turn 1/8L stepping Rf back, 9H, turn 1/4L stepping Lf slightly to L, 6H, turn 1/8L stepping Rf slightly forward, 4:30H
S6: Basic Forward, 1/4R Basic
1-3step Lf forward, step Rf next to Lf, step Lf next to Rf
4-6step Rf back, turn 1/8R stepping Lf next to Rf, turn 1/8R stepping Rf slightly forward, 7:30H
S7: Forward Extend Rf Forward, 1/2L Basic
1-3step Lf forward, extend Rf forward over 2C
4-6turn 1/8L stepping Rf back, 6H, turn 1/4L stepping Lf slightly to L, 3H, turn 1/8L stepping Rf slightly forward, 1:30H
S8: Forward Extend Rf Forward, 3/8R Basic
1-3step Lf forward, extend Rf forward over 2C
4-6turn 1/4R stepping Rf to R, 4:30H, step Lf next to Rf, turn 1/8R stepping Rf slightly forward, 6H
Thanks and happy dancing!
Contact: procankm@hotmail.com
Last Update: 15 Mar 2024