CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Summer Night City

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Michael O'Shea (IRE) - February 2024
Summer Night City (with Andy Bell) - Claire Richards & Andy Bell
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#48 Count Intro.

Step out right left, back rock, side touches
1-2step right to right diagonal, step left to left diagonal
3-4rock back right, recover weight to left
5-6step right to right side, touch left beside right
7-8step left to left side, touch right beside left

Side, together, step back, touch, side, together, shuffle fwd left
1-2step right to right side, close left beside right
3-4step back right, touch left beside right
5-6step left to left side, close right beside left
7&8shuffle fwd left, right, left
Add the tag here on wall 4 (3:00) & wall 10 (12:00) then BEGIN AGAIN.

Rock step, side, flick, grapevine 1/4 turn, scuff
1-2rock fwd right, recover weight to left
3-4step right to right side, flick left up behind right
5-6step left to left side, step right behind left
7-8step left 1/4 turn left, scuff right

Rocking chair, toe struts
1-2rock right fwd, recover weight to left
3-4rock right back, recover weight to left
5-6touch right toe fwd, drop heel
7-8touch left to fwd, drop heel

Begin Again

TAG & Restart – V Step
1-2Step out right, step out left
3-4step back right, close left to right
Add the tag after 16 counts on walls 4 & wall 10, then start the dance again.

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