CopperKnob Stepsheets

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David Ackerman (USA) - February 2024
More - Madeline Edwards
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Intro; 16 counts

[1-9] Step w/ Sweep, Cross Side, Back Rock, Side, ¾ Turn L, Step, ¼ Rock, Weave, Side Lunge
1, 2&Step L forward while sweeping R from back to front, Cross R over L, Step L to L side,
3, 4&Rock back on R, Recover weight L, Step R to R side
5&6&Touch L behind R, Make a ¾ turn L bring weight to L (3:00), Step R forward, Make a ¼ R rocking L to L side (6:00)
7&8&1Recover weight R, Cross L over R, Step R to R side, Step L behind R, Step R to R side while bending R knee keeping L leg straight

[10-16] Side Cross Side LRL, Side Cross, ½ Turn L, Side Cross Side, ⅛ Turn R Back Rock
2&3Recover weight L straightening R, Cross R over, Step L to L side as you releve on L lifting R slightly to the side keeping R straight with toe pointed
4&5Step R to R side, Cross L over R, Make a ½ L stepping R back keep L forward and lifted (12:00)
6&Step L to L side, Cross R over L,
7, 8&Step L to L side, Make an ⅛ turn R rocking back on R (1:30), Step L forward

[17-24] Full Spiral, Run LR, ¼ L Pose, Run Back RLR, ¼ L Rondè, Run LR, ⅛ L, Point R
1, 2&Step R forward as you make a full turn L, Step L forward, Step R forward
3, 4&Make a ¼ turn L stepping L forward while hitching R knee up, Step R back, Step L back
5&6&Step R back, Ronde drawing a small circle on the ground as you turn ¼ L, Step L forward, Step R forward
7, 8Make a ⅛ turn stepping L forward squaring up to the wall (6:00), Point R to R side.
*Restart on Wall 2: Replace count 24 (Point R) with a R side rock stepping R to R side. Start the dance again by recovering weight L sweeping R to front.

[25-32] Full Monterrey w/ L Sweep, Serpiente, Front Rock, Back w/ Drag, Full Turn
1, 2&Pull R under body making a full turn R as you sweep L from back to front, Cross L over R, Step R to R side
3, 4&Step L behind R while sweeping R from front to back, Step R behind L, Step L to L side
5-7Rock R stepping R forward and slightly crossed over L, Recover L, Step back on R dragging L opening the body to the angle (7:30) to prep ,
8&1Step L forward, Make ½ turn L stepping R back, Make ½ turn L stepping L forward as you sweep R from back to front to start the dance again.

Restart on Wall 2: Facing 12:00 replace count 24 (Point R) with a R side rock stepping R to R side. Start the dance again by recovering weight L sweeping R to front.

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