INTRO: On heavy beat, count 4, just after vocals
Right Diagonal Together, Left Diagonal Together, Buttermilk x 2
1234R Diag 450, close R next to L (weight on R), L Diag 450, close L next to R (weight on L)
5678Split both heels out, (weight on balls of feet), close heels together, x 2
Vine R, Vine Left, 1/4 turn L, Scuff Right Diagonal
1234Step R side, behind L, step side R, touch L beside R
5678Step side L, behind R, step 1/4 turn L on L, scuff R to R diag
Step Diagonal R, Touch left, Step Diagonal L, Touch R, “V Step” **
1234Step diag R, touch L beside R, step diag L, touch R beside L
5678Step R out to diag, step L out to diag, replace R centre, replace L beside R
Rocking Chair Right ***, Step Forward Right, 1/4 Turn Left, Stomp Right, Stomp Left
1234Rock R Fwd, replace onto L, rock back R, replace onto L
5678Step Fwd R, 1/4 turn L (weight on L), stomp R beside L, stomp L beside R
RESTART: Wall 8, ** Dance to count 24, Facing 3.00, restart after “V” step
FINISH: Wall 12, *** Dance to count 28. Facing 6.00, step Fwd R, 1/2 pivot Left, stomp R & L
End facing 12.00
GLENDA SILVER: Footlooselinedancers.net EMAIL: glendaksilver@gmail.com
MOBILE: 0427927019
Right Diagonal Together, Left Diagonal Together, Buttermilk x 2
1234R Diag 450, close R next to L (weight on R), L Diag 450, close L next to R (weight on L)
5678Split both heels out, (weight on balls of feet), close heels together, x 2
Vine R, Vine Left, 1/4 turn L, Scuff Right Diagonal
1234Step R side, behind L, step side R, touch L beside R
5678Step side L, behind R, step 1/4 turn L on L, scuff R to R diag
Step Diagonal R, Touch left, Step Diagonal L, Touch R, “V Step” **
1234Step diag R, touch L beside R, step diag L, touch R beside L
5678Step R out to diag, step L out to diag, replace R centre, replace L beside R
Rocking Chair Right ***, Step Forward Right, 1/4 Turn Left, Stomp Right, Stomp Left
1234Rock R Fwd, replace onto L, rock back R, replace onto L
5678Step Fwd R, 1/4 turn L (weight on L), stomp R beside L, stomp L beside R
RESTART: Wall 8, ** Dance to count 24, Facing 3.00, restart after “V” step
FINISH: Wall 12, *** Dance to count 28. Facing 6.00, step Fwd R, 1/2 pivot Left, stomp R & L
End facing 12.00
GLENDA SILVER: Footlooselinedancers.net EMAIL: glendaksilver@gmail.com
MOBILE: 0427927019